Mōrena lil shits!!
Big day yesterday! You’ve probably all seen that we got sent a 💅 Harry Styles package 💅 (and I have no doubt that a few hundred of you are here this morning purely to hear about that!!) I can assure you that it’s really pretty, and I do in fact write about it below.
Liv and I also recorded episode one of our two-part Kanye West series for Culture Vulture, and then to unwind I did something that actually wound me up. I chucked on my flatties VR headset & went back to the metaverse to get a tour of the White House from Obama (it was actually amazing except for 1x jump scare) and I also rode a roller coaster which made me dizzy as fuck and kinda want to puke! Love that for me!!
NOW I NEED SOMETHING FROM YOU!!! We are working on something ✨really cool ✨ and I need to know your most embarrassing/ hilarious/ out the GATE 🩸 period 🩸stories. They’ll be kept anonymous of course, but we ALL HAVE THEM and I need to know them!!! So plz reply to this email with any that you’ve got!
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In today’s newsletter:
A Russia/ Ukraine update
All the cultural institutions/ companies/ events boycotting Russia:
An update on the ‘are there more doors or wheels’ question…
Dolly Parton wrote a novel with James Paterson?
Do you wash your teeth in warm or cold water?
A bunch of the cultural institutions/ companies/ events boycotting Russia
I know we hear a lot of talk about the economic impact of big companies (Microsoft, FedEx, Airbnb, Visa etc) pulling out of Russia in support of Ukraine, but I thought it would be interesting to look at some of the cultural institutions taking a stand too:
Netflix has shut down its services in Russia
Louis Tomlinson, Green Day & The Killers have cancelled their shows
Formula One ends its contract with the Russian Grand Prix.
Spotify closed its Russian offices indefinitely.
Live Nation is moving to cancel dates in Russia and cease all business in the country
Disney is pausing the release of theatrical films in Russia, including the upcoming Turning Red from Pixar
Warner Bros. announced it would pause the release of its highly anticipated Robert Pattinson film The Batman
The Glasgow Film Festival controversially drops two Russian films from its lineup
FIFA bans Russian teams ahead of the World Cup in Qatar
Eurovision bars Russia from competing
Culture/ the arts have SUCH an impact - maybe they don’t scare Putin as directly as economic sanctions, but the Russian people (who didn’t ask for this war in the first place) will be suffering hugely from the losses of the things they love.
The latest from Ukraine:
Here’s your daily summary from the BBC:
Russian shelling is still preventing the evacuation of civilians from besieged cities, Ukraine says
Attacks are said to continue despite a proposal from Russia to create safe escape routes
Russia said earlier that humanitarian corridors would allow people to leave Kyiv, Mariupol, Sumy and Kharkiv today
But Ukraine branded the proposal "immoral" after it emerged many of the routes would only take civilians to Russia or its ally Belarus
Two ceasefire attempts in Mariupol, where people are running out of food, collapsed at the weekend
About 1,000 people have been able to flee Irpin, north-west of the capital Kyiv, despite continued Russian shelling
Oil prices have soared to a 13-year high due to the crisis
Here are some more stories worth reading:
And here’s the latest from The Kyiv Independent:

Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Explained - The Shit Show — open.spotify.com
Everything you've been wondering about what's going on in Russia/Ukraine right now, in words you ACTUALLY understand.
Idk if you know this, but here at SYSCA we are big fans of Harry Styles. We aren’t influencers, nor are we beauty gurus, but when a Pleasing package comes a-knocking you know I’m gonna do the most to review/ discuss it with you (because how fun!!!!)
First of all, it was so funny because after I tweeted this:
It went WILD and I honestly saw it reposted all over my twitter TL/ Instagram feed/ my pal even sent me photos of it all over her Tumblr dash - I DON’T THINK I REALISED HOW EXCITED YOU ALL WERE FOR IT?
Anyway, this collection is called ‘shroom bloom’ and the packaging is SOOOO up my alley - it’s psychedelic, it’s pinks oranges and yellows (my colours) and it’s cute as hell. THE TSHIRT IS ALSO JUST THE COOLEST THING EVER (I’m wearing it rn.)
Next thing of note: the little bit of paper they send that explains everything is SEEDED PAPER, so you soak it in water and plant it and it grows wildflowers?!
Third thing: the ‘acid drop’ overnight serum looks fucking cool, but I will probs never remember to use it, and the same goes for the hand & nail balm. Update: I just put on the hand balm and it’s… balmy. It also doesn’t really have a scent and now my laptop keys are also… balmy.
Fourth: the little nail stickers are fuckin cool as!!!
Fifth: THESE NAIL POLISH COLOURS ARE WAY MORE ME THAN THE FIRST COLLECTION. You can genuinely catch me in these!!! Update: this really could be user error, but I put the nail polish on and it’s thicc as hell and sooooo hard to get off...
Sixth: Mick Fleetwood is the new face of Pleasing?!?!
Here’s a Vogue story where they’re totally crushing on each other.
Or at least… a growing number of you are. According to a recent study by Wordfinderx, (a website used for word games like Wordle and Scrabble) , Google searches for the answer to Wordle’s daily puzzle have nearly tripled since The New York Times acquired Wordle in January.
"The study found that searches for Feb. 15′s “AROMA” and Feb. 19′s “SWILL” daily Wordle solutions reached a 100 out of 100 on Google’s search popularity scale, which compares search results and then rates them on a scale of 0 to 100 “based on a topic’s proportion to all searches on all topics.”
Here’s a graph so you can take a good look at what you’ve done:
Dolly Parton wrote a novel with James Paterson?
… I’m just saying, this bitch deeeeefinitely works more than 9-5. But yes, it appears that among her many talents, Dolly Parton is also a novelist (this may be common knowledge and I’m behind the times - I don’t wanna hear about it if that’s true!!) Dolly and James’s book “Run Rose Run” has just been released and has debuted at number 1 on the Amazon bestseller list. And don’t worry - she’s released a companion album to accompany it.
An update on the ‘are there more doors or wheels’ question…
Just to add another spanner in the works, newsletter reader Jemma sent me this fact:
“LEGO produces an unbeatable quantity of wheels every year; no other company but LEGO produced 306 million wheels a year. Sure, these are mini wheels, but a whopping 306 million remains unbeatable whether by Goodyear, Bridgestone, everyone.“
Do you brush your teeth in warm or cold water?
I wash mine in warm water purely because I do it in the shower (we’ve talked about this before, I get too bored doing them as a single task):
18% of you do them in warm
82% of you do it in cold (or cool, as a lot of you pointed out that cold was too harsh)
The enduring mystery of the Hobsonville Point ham (The Spinoff)
Lizzo, Britney & the death of the RomCom? (Culture Vulture)
Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Explained (The Shit Show)
You can listen to us talk about all things pop culture on Culture Vulture, about THE WORLD on The Shit Show or watch us explain the internet on Extremely Online.
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