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Last night Rubes and I went and watched some comedy in Sydney and it was fucking HILARIOUS. Honestly, I'm not usually a fan of stand-up, but this was just SO funny, and I'd highly rec if you're ever here!
Also, I bought a book that a bunch of you have been recommending I read - Joan Didion's book 'The Year Of Magical Thinking' - I know it's pretty heavy, so I'll keep you updated on how it goes (and I'll write about it in our SYSCA book list.) PS - I'm nearly finished 'The Knife Of Never Letting Go' so you'll get a full review over there soon too!
AND LASTLY, there is no new episode of The Shit Show today as Squish is on a plane back from the states!!!
Love you the most and have a lovely weekend xxxxx

Bojo is resigning
Brittney Griner pleads guilty
The case for print magazines
How football shirts chart the rise and fall of tech giants
Here, have some horoscopes
How do you pronounce 'hehe'
Boris Johnson is resigning
It finally happened. After months of Boris Johnson being... not really a vibe, things really came to a head over the past few days. The beginning of the end was when his health secretary and chancellor quit within 10 minutes of each other over his handling of sexual misconduct allegations, and according to the BBC:
"this triggered a trickle of resignations and letters of no confidence from junior ministers and MPs that on Wednesday became a flood.
That evening, a group of senior ministers went to Downing Street to try to persuade the PM to resign."
Here's just the best quick run-down of events from Today in Tabs:
The short version of BoJo’s last scandal is that he appointed a sex pest named Chris Pincher as deputy chief whip (a British government job that has no American equivalent) despite knowing that Pincher got pissed (a British government term that means “shitfaced”) and groped two men in a part of a Tory club literally called “Cad’s Corner.”
And now, after a track record of doing really shitty things, the man is resigning as leader of the Conservative Party (but will remain as caretaker prime minister until a replacement is decided.)
Waaaay more info here, but today we say - good riddance!
Brittney Griner pleads guilty
Brittney Griner, the US basketball star that I've been talking about a bunch this week, has pleaded guilty to drug charges in Russia "but has denied deliberately breaking the law."
"I was in a rush packing and the cartridges accidentally ended up in my bag," she told the court in Khimki.
"I'd like to plead guilty, your honour. But there was no intent. I didn't want to break the law."
Brittney also said that she would like to testify later as she needed time to prepare, so the trial has been adjourned for the week.
The case for print magazines
One thing about me - I have WAY too many magazine subscriptions. Before you ask, The Atlantic is the one I look forward to reading the most, and The New Yorker has my fave crossword (but it comes weekly and I constantly get a backlog that I can't keep up with.) Anyway, ya girl loves a magazine, so this piece in Catapult really spoke to me. Here is the coziest piece of writing you’ll read today:
“My particular ritual for reading magazines goes like this: I see the magazine in my mailbox, and my brain is flooded with serotonin. Back in my apartment, I pour a glass of wine; flip open the smooth, crisp pages; and do my once-over, in which I let the full-bleed images and stylish fonts wash over me. Then it goes into my stack of magazines to be read more in-depth. That usually entails a second read-through, this time really taking time to read the articles that interest me, log different writers and photographs into my mental magazine Rolodex, and daydream. When the second read-through is done, it goes into my mood-boarding stack, where magazines go to die—or, rather, live on forever in large manila folders full of snippings and clippings from over the years.”
If you love magazines like I do, go and read the whole piece 🥺🥺
How football shirts chart the rise and fall of tech giants
You all know how much I love the recipe of using X normal thing to explain X complicated thing - well here’s one I really loved - Rest Of World’s ‘How football shirts chart the rise and fall of tech giants.’
It’s basically about how getting your logo on the shirt of a pro-football team is both a status symbol, and a 🎶sign of the times.🎶
”Getting your company’s logo on the shirt of a team like Liverpool or Real Madrid means tying your brand to a global icon. And for decades, it’s been a route taken by emerging tech companies, flush with cash to burn and a name to earn.”
The 80s and 90s were dominated by Japanese consumer electronics brands: think Gameboys/ Walkmans. Then it moved on to brands like Samsung and Huawei, and then online gambling companies.
You can probably guess what’s dominating the 2020s football shirts, a little thing we talk about often here in the newsy… crypto brands. And it’s not just football either! From F1 to Cypto.com Arena, home of the LA Lakers, crypto is taking the sports advertising world by storm. Who knows how long for though, considering the current #cryptocrash…
It's Friday, so you get horoscopes!
Just a lil note from me!!
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A Love Island Debrief: Welcome to Casa Amor — open.spotify.com
Luce and Liv debrief episode 20-27 of Love Island!
How do you pronounce 'hehe'?
69% are meaning to say hee-hee (the only valid choice in my opinion)
31% of you are meaning to say heh heh
The Golden Age of Thrifting Is Over (New York Times)
Tabloid Reporters of the 2000s Fueled an Obsession With Weight Loss. Some Say They Regret It. (Slate)
Excuse Me, Is Armie Hammer Really a Hotel Concierge? (The Cut)
Nicki Minaj’s Husband Kenneth Petty Sentenced to House Arrest (Vulture)
R.Kelly's Crimes: Explained (Culture Vulture)
Our Love Island Debrief (Culture Vulture)
SYSCA playlist (✨Supporters only✨)
Our HUGE SYSCA reading list! (✨Supporters only✨)