Chewna, Yogit, & Green M&M's
Mōrena lil shits!!
How was your weekend? Mine was excellent (and only slightly dampened by the wee Omicron outbreak which means NZ is back on that red light vibe) coz one of my besties was up to run the Auckland half marathon. BUT GET THIS - we got home at about 1:30am the night before the race (he had to be up at 5am) and he actually had a ridiculous amount of pre-race cocktails. He ended up running it in 1 hour and 50 minutes and honestly…. That couldn’t be me.
Let me leave you with some advice from him that you should definitely not take:
“Don’t let a half marathon get in the way of a night out.”
ALSO, I’ve nearly finished Yellowjackets and it’s HELLA good but… SCARY.

Help pay my rent?? 🥺 —
Subscribe to this newsletter for $5 a month because u love meeeeee (and coz you'll get bonus book lists and other fun stuff!)
In today’s newsletter:
Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader have been dating for like a year?
In a totally out-of-character moment, Ye demands something
Let the Green M&M Be a Nasty Little Slut
Yogurt or Yogit?
Tuna or Chewna?
Anna Kendrick and Bill Hader have been dating for like a year?
I don’t know what made feel like I had to write about his in more detail than just a ‘final thoughts’ link, but there’s something about this story and this union that is intriguing to me and I wanted to make sure you didn’t miss it. Now you know! (More details here.)
Tonga, Ukraine, Teddy Bears, Cryptobros, & Hamsters - The Shit Show —
As you can tell by the title we cover an ARRAY of topics today - from Prince Andrews teddy bear obsession to Russia maybe trying to invade Ukraine??? We have a volcanic eruption in Tonga, another silly purchase by a bunch of cryptobros, our fave trainspotter becoming a model, and some lovely comments from some Joe Rogan fans too.
In a totally out-of-character moment, Ye demands something
In one of his latest Instagram posts where he’s promoting his new documentary series “Jeen-Yuhs,” Ye demanded final edit ‘so he can be in charge of his own image.’
Here’s what he said in his Instagram caption:
I’m going to say this kindly for the last time
I must get final edit and approval on this doc before it releases on Netflix
Open the edit room immediately so I can be in charge of my own image
Thank you in advance 😊
🎶 I’m going to say this kindly for the last time
I must get final edit and approval on this doc before it releases on Netflix
Open the edit room immediately so I can be in charge of my own image
Thank you in advance 😊 🎶
(It’s the “Thank you in advance 😊” for me.)
I mean, it’s your life (and possibly legacy), so I get wanting to have control, but also… it would be kinda nice to see a balanced(ish) recollection of Ye’s life that hasn’t been moulded to the narrative he’s trying to push (we get enough of that in his day to day comms with us I reckon.)
The doco is directed by his early collaborators Clarence “Coodie” Simmons and Chike Ozah, and Simmons has recently addressed Ye’s lack of creative control on the project.
“I said, ‘Dude, you have to trust me.’ And he did, 100%,” he said. “Mind you, when his team and the business-people have gotten involved, they’re of course going to have their say.”
PS we’re gonna do a wee Culture Vulture series on Ye to coincide with the release of Jeen-Yuhs so stay tuned!!
Let the Green M&M Be a Nasty Little Slut
Ed Dickens - who wrote this headline (and article) was really ON ONE with this piece:
“The recent push to rebrand corporate logos to be more inclusive has, for the most part, been a good thing. Making Barbie more body-positive? Great. Renaming Aunt Jemima syrup? About damn time. Yet in brands’ fervent quest to capture youth audiences and capture the woke zeitgeist, they may be going just a little bit too far. Case in point: the slut-shaming of the green M&M.”
He’s talking about Wrigley doing a cheeky brand revamp to signify a “more dynamic, progressive world” (which in this case consists of… changing their shoes.) Here’s what seems to be changing:
”The red M&M, who is generally known for being a pain, will be nicer. The orange one “will embrace his true self, worries and all,” whatever that means, and is being angled toward Gen Z. (You know, because he’s anxious.) The brown M&M will have shorter heels, and the green M&M will be reduced to a pair of sneakers (still unclear if they are actually dating or not). Yellow and blue appear to be coming out of this move relatively unscathed, although it’s unclear what makes them so much better than the rest of the gang.”
But amidst all the changes, the one that really got people was taking away the Green M&M’s signature heels.

The Guardian reports that “with her white go-go boots and thick lashes, the Green M&M was the Marilyn Monroe of the confectionery world” - but who is she now????

Yogurt or Yogit?
There have been lots of excellent pronunciation polls as of late! Let’s start with yogurt (or yoghurt???) I asked if you pronounced it like ‘Yo!-gurt’ or ‘yo-git’ and
82% of you say Yo!-gurt
18% say “yo-git”
Technically I say ‘Yo!-Git” (especially when I’m talking to my Dad)
(you really have to work to understand that joke)
Tuna or Chewna?
This poll honestly makes me laugh just to look at. I grew up pronouncing it Chewna (this is also how most of my friends pronounce it) and then at some point flipped and started calling it Tuna. Turns out:
66% of you say tuna (like toon-a)
34% say chew-na
Also, the comments on the post I made about this sent me, like… “If you say ‘chewna’ block me,” “What in the h e 🏒🏒” (I’m stealing this) and a lot of people who thought this poll had to be a joke or that I was trolling them.
The world this week, wrapped up for you! (The Shit Show)
Jacinda Arden called off her wedding because, Omicron (The Guardian)
Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas welcome their first child! (CNN)
Are you seeing the word MID all over TikTok right now? (Refinery29)
How the Kardashians successfully distracted us from Astroworld (Culture Vulture)
You can listen to us talk about all things pop culture on Culture Vulture, about THE WORLD on The Shit Show or watch us explain the internet on Extremely Online.
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