Harry or Elon?
Mōrena lil shits!!
Lol an ironic title for yesterday’s newsy because I ended up messing a few things up AGAIN but let’s just leave that for now and move forward knowing that I’m a human who does in fact make mistakes between 5-6am. I’m perfect for the other 23 hours of the day though - ask Rubes and Liv.
ALSO THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR ITALY RECS HOLY SHIT! Overwhelmed, obsessed with you, keep em comin.
And finally (for the intro), lately you've been sending me some cute as hell stories about how me/SYSCA have started creeping into your real lives and I'm LIVING for it!
This one's from newsy readers Margaret & Meghan about a lesson in feijoas:
"My housemate and I are both subscribers to SYSCA and we love it, so thank you! But also we wanted to tell you a little story.
Tonight we went out for dinner together (because we're cute housemates like that) and when we were walking home, we saw that a neighbour had put a bag of fruit out the front of their house, in a clear offer to anyone walking past to take some.
We looked in the bag and didn't recognise the fruit at all, they kind of looked like very green, slightly longish passionfruit? Anyway, we took one home to check it out.
When we got home, we cut it open and still didn't recognise it, so I sent a snap to my mum who identified it as a feijoa.
Of course at that point, my housemate and I realised that we *had* heard of feijoas before, all because of you!
We tasted it and in enjoying the sweet tart grittiness of it, we thought of SYSCA and read back through your newsletter to learn about it again.
Anyway, thanks for teaching us things even if we didn't remember the first time."
And this one's from newsy reader Millie who had some unwelcome guests in her garden:
Just wanted to share a funny story with you guys involving the Shit Show that I got reminded of today.
A couple of weeks ago my flatmate announced to the group that the other day she saw some people sitting in the bushes on our property, she didn’t want to confront them because they were talking quite loud so there was clearly more than one person. We all thought this was very odd and concerning and obviously started asking more questions, wondering if we needed to call the landlord, the police, talk to the neighbours… we did some more probing “which bushes were these?” “Front or back garden?” “What day was this?” “What time?”
And then I clicked.
I’ve recently picked up gardening (lol who am I?) because my flat has a huge garden area and the landlord does very little to maintain it so it’s wildly overgrown. The past few weeks I’ve been working on the far front corner which is surrounded by trees and shrubs so I kinda have to climb on in there.
It was me sitting in the bushes. And the voices she heard were Luce and Squishy talking about the weird things they’ve seen online that week.
So I obviously need to get my flatmate to start listening to the podcasts, and the SYSCA team are welcome to come squat in our bushes to discuss the news anytime - clearly my flatmate isn’t going to do anything about anyone trespassing!
I love shit like this sooooo much. If you ever find SYSCA intertwining into (or interrupting) your daily lives like this, please always email me about it!!
🥺 If you want to pay for the media you love and make sure I can continue to do this for you, PLEASE, become a SYSCA supporter here - I need you! 🥺
Elon Must Buy Twitter
Harry Styles gave us a new interview and it's everything
My fave money newsy!!
Some Bored Apes Got Stolen. They are now Angry Apes
This Man Married a Fictional Character. He’d Like You to Hear Him Out
Succession’s Nicholas Braun Developing ’00s Indie Music Series For HBO
How do you enter the shower?
Elon Must Buy Twitter
Someone who made an even BIGGER mistake than me yesterday was Twitter. For letting Elon buy it. Maybe it’s not a mistake, maybe it is. Time will tell. Either way, it’s interesting and I am kinda enjoying watching play out (sorry but I am.)
All you need to know from me is that he bought it for $44 billion dollars and the deal will take about six months to close. Also that if you’re rich you can kinda just buy whatever you want. You can hear from Casey Newton about how we got here, and you can hear from Peter Kafka about what’s next.
Or, if you want to understand the general sentiment, you can scroll on your Twitter feed.
My fave money newsy!!
This section is brought to you by the wonderful humans at For What It’s Worth.
People are always asking me to recommend them my favourite newsletters - and when it comes to money/ figuring out how to invest, I’m not kidding when I say, if you’re not subscribed to ‘For What It’s Worth’ then idk what you’re doin!!!
Are you wondering why food prices are getting higher? Or whether you should be investing in crypto? Or just what all these new acronyms even mean? SAME!
✨ PS!! If you or the organisation you work for is interested in renting some space in the newsy to chat to over 50k of the coolest humans on the planet, hit us up (or just reply to this email!) ✨
We got a new Harry Styles interview and it's everything
Holy shit, this story in Better Homes and Gardens gives us A LOT. Also, Harry and the interviewer are swimming together and something about that is quite funny. Considering I'm on a time limit to get this newsy to you and this story took forever to load, there is no time for analysis, but a lot of time for excerpts:
On being forced to confront things in lockdown:
"Whether it was with friends or people I was dating, I was always gone before it got to the point of having to have any difficult conversations," he said. So he used lockdown to commit to being a better friend, son, brother. He pushed himself to confront things he hadn't brought up, had many long, honest chats. And like most people who found themselves suddenly very, very inside, he thought a lot about the idea of home—about belonging, peace, sanctuary. "I realized that that home feeling isn't something that you get from a house; it's more of an internal thing. You realize that when you stop for a minute," he said.
On Harry caring a lot about being likeable:
That said, both Styles and his therapist have questioned why he cares quite so much about being likable. This is one of the things he thought about a lot in his big pandemic reflection. In part, it's a choice, he explained. He recalled moving to London after The X Factor and hearing tales of petulant celebrities screaming because someone got their coffee order wrong and deciding to never be that guy, to never give someone a petty reason to bad-mouth him. But more recently he's come to worry that the drive for approval came from a more complex place, a place of caution, fear, control.
In lockdown, I started processing a lot of stuff that happened when I was in the band," he said. He thought about the way he was encouraged to give so much of himself away, "to get people to engage with you, to like you." He thought about the fact that no baby photos exist of him that aren't on the internet (you give a bunch to an X Factor producer doing a piece on your backstory without much thought, and suddenly your childhood is online). He thought about the journalists asking questions, when he was still a teenager, about how many people he'd slept with and how, rather than telling them to go away, he would worry about how he could be coy without them leaving the room annoyed. "Why do I feel like I'm the one who has done something wrong?" he said to me, after we got up to shift spots in the park when a teenager started filming us for a prank video.
On sex:
Recently Styles began to work through issues related to intimacy, dating, love. "For a long time, it felt like the only thing that was mine was my sex life. I felt so ashamed about it, ashamed at the idea of people even knowing that I was having sex, let alone who with," he said. The life of a boy band member is something of a Ken Doll existence—a smooth nothingness where sex should be. One must be flirtatious (swoon!) without ever being seen to have sex, let alone casual sex. One must project the intrigue of a bad boy without ever doing anything bad; you are an object, an image, onto which people project fantasies, not a person who actually does things, who gets messy. "At the time, there were still the kiss-and-tell things. Working out who I could trust was stressful," Styles said. "But I think I got to a place where I was like, why do I feel ashamed? I'm a 26-year-old man who's single; it's like, yes, I have sex."
On his identity:
"Around the time of Fine Line, he faced scrutiny around his sexuality. People became incredulous that he wore dresses, waved Pride flags, and yet hadn't clarified with precision, publicly to a journalist or on social media, the specifics of who he'd slept with, how he defined. This expectation is, to him, bizarre, "outdated." "I've been really open with it with my friends, but that's my personal experience; it's mine," he said. "The whole point of where we should be heading, which is toward accepting everybody and being more open, is that it doesn't matter, and it's about not having to label everything, not having to clarify what boxes you're checking."
Go and read it all (if it will load!)
Some Bored Apes Got Stolen. They are now Angry Apes
Yesterday the Bored Ape Yacht Club’s official Instagram account was hacked and whoever was behind it promoted a fake airdrop, asking users to connect their wallets to receive the drop.
Turns out, it was not the Bored Ape Yacht Club behind the post, and 91 NFTs were stolen ($2.8m worth) in the process.

I’m not laughing at the people who lost their apes, but if you read this post a year ago half of these words would make absolutely no sense, and I’m laughing at that.
This Man Married a Fictional Character. He’d Like You to Hear Him Out.
You can read about this here, but more importantly, SYSCA did it first here.
Succession’s Nicholas Braun Developing ’00s Indie Music Series For HBO
YESSSSSSS. Ever since he released his hit single Antibodies I’ve been wondering when we were going to get something musical from old mate Nick - and here it is!
According to Variety, cousin Greg is “developing a new series for HBO about ’00s indie music called One For The Road.” It’s about a “candid and intimate story of a talented but dysfunctional band struggling to survive the rapidly changing landscape of independent music in the early 2000s.” And kinda sounds like something I’d be really into.
How do you enter the shower?
Do you wait outside for it to warm up? Or do you get in, face the water away from you, and wait for it to heat up?
82% of you wait for it to heat up before getting in
18% of you never learnt how to shower properly
The Kardashian Legacy (The Shit Show)
What Your Jealousy Is Really Telling You (Culture Vulture)
Why does the Oreo cream only stick to one of the bikkies? MIT researchers explain (MIT Tech Review)
Hollywood’s hot new trend: Parents who say they’re sorry (Vox)
Meet Woo, the Media Business Redefining Wellness for ‘Anxious’ Gen Z (Ad Week)
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