how did you get so comfortable talking about your mental health?
I said ask me anything, you didn't hold back!
Angels!!! Hi!!!!! Today’s diary edish is cute, and is informed largely about the response to the cute convo I had with Dunc about my depression era on his podcast.
Here’s what else I’m answering today!
How did you get so comfortable talking about your mental health?
Did you move back to New Zealand?
Do you have any tips for not feeling good enough?
Favourite type of pizza?
Do you ever wish you worked in a cafe in a small town and weren’t on social media?
How did you get so comfortable talking about your mental health?
Oh my god, when I was in high school and I was experiencing my first bouts of deep depression (once a year from the age of 15 onwards), I did NOT know how to verbalise it, or what was going on with me. My best friends (Liv and Ruby leading the charge) would have to talk to my parents, the guidance counsellors - everyone!!!
I HATED confrontation with a passion, but I hated confronting myself most of all.