Wait, But What? is our weekly advice column for paid supporters. If you’ve got a burning life question (whether it’s how to phoenix out of a dark spot or how to stand up to a boss who thinks you're just in the room to grab a flat white), drop your question here, and we might just answer it!
Beeeeeeeelllllllll I am in hell. I’m healing from heartbreak for the first time, and nothing makes sense! It’s hard not to feel like I made a mistake loving and trusting this person.
How do I stay open and loving (for the future) when it’s hurting so much right now?
Dear Dido,
Oh my fucking god.
If there’s one thing I wouldn’t wish on anyone, ANYONE (ok, maybe the worst people in the world), it’s heartbreak. Truly. It’s the most visceral, eviscerating pain and experience one can go through and just when you think the world can be good again, you’re standing outside a convenience store crying, being reminded of them by the flavour of a chip packet tumbling in the wind.
I am here to tell you how to revel in your pain.
And then I’m here to tell you how to resurrect.
And (not to be ~ that girl ~ ) also assure you that there’s a whole damn chapter devoted to this in our book. Do with that information what you will.
Ok first - to the Emergency Room.