💓 How's Your Mental Health Right Now? 💓
Psssst we're launching our first bonus for monthly and annual ✨ SYSCA Supporters✨ this Thursday - you all asked for it & we're delivering! Shit You Should Read About (our bumper book list) will be coming your way soon! Become a ✨SYSCA Supporter✨ to have access to our constantly updated recs!
First of all my angels, can I just say for the millionth time how fucking much I love being part of a fandom. Yesterday we contacted the winners for the Harry’s House listening party, and I was honestly so nervous/ sad that we couldn’t just bring EVERYONE, so I was wondering how it would go down on Twitter and you were just SO KIND, AND EVERYONE WAS HYPING EACH OTHER UP (AND US UP) AND IT WAS SO CUTE TO SEE. You are all the embodiment of TPWK and I just wanna meet/ boogie with/ hug you ALL. I mean:

Just another reason why we have the best community in the ENTIRE world and why you shouldn’t shit on young people for being fans of things!! See u tonight NZ besties and see u (virtually) tomorrow night Australian besties!! (And see the rest of you in Friday’s newsy for a killer review of the album ok xxxx)
An update on the Buffalo shooting
The Illuminati, Explained
Harry Styles and Zane Lowe
Some songs I’m loving that we need to talk about
How is your mental health right now?
Some updates on the Buffalo shooting
Content warning: Racism, violence, shooting.
Squish and I are going to do an episode of The Shit Show about the shooting this week, but I thought I’d direct you to some good bits of media about it that I’ve been reading/listening to:
The Cut’s piece on ‘Replacement Theory:’
This is a super informative and easy to understand explanation about the ‘Replacement Theory’ - the theory that a lot of white supremacists cite in their manifestos/ thinking:
“The great-replacement doctrine warns that, largely because of immigration, non-white people will soon replace white people in the United States and other western countries. Its primary concerns are ostensibly political: Namely, that white citizens’ opinions and aims will be drowned out by a hostile agenda advanced by people of color.”
This episode of The Daily, which explains the ‘Replacement Theory’ in more detail
Would highly recommend listening to this episode of The Daily - it looks at the theory in terms of the Buffalo shooting, but also points to how people like Tucker Carlson are literally pushing a ‘softer’ version of this theory to their viewers/ listeners.
The Racist Theory Behind So Many Mass Shootings - The Daily | Podcast on Spotify — open.spotify.com
Listen to this episode from The Daily on Spotify. Over the weekend, an 18-year-old man livestreamed himself shooting 13 people and killing 10. Within hours it became clear that the shooter’s intent was to kill as many Black people as possible. The suspect wrote online that he was motivated by replacement theory — a racist idea that white people are deliberately being replaced by people of color in places like America and Europe. What are the origins of this theory, and how has it become simultaneously more extreme and more mainstream?
This piece in The New York Times about how the shooter evaded a state law that should have prevented him from owning a gun:
New York’s so-called red-flag law took effect in 2019, allowing judges to bar people believed to be dangerous from possessing firearms. Yet Payton S. Gendron, the 18-year-old man accused of killing 10 people at a Tops supermarket on Saturday, was able to buy an assault-style weapon despite having been held for a mental health-evaluation last year after making a threatening remark at his high school.
He described the remark — he responded to a school project question by writing that he wanted to commit a murder-suicide — as a joke, according to a law enforcement official familiar with the case, and was released.
But the postings that came to light on Monday make it evident that Mr. Gendron was lying.
“I got out of it because I stuck with the story that I was getting out of class and I just stupidly wrote that down,” Mr. Gendron wrote. “That is the reason I believe I am still able to purchase guns. It was not a joke, I wrote that down because that’s what I was planning to do.”
Like I said earlier, we'll go into all of this and more on this weeks episode of The Shit Show!
The Illuminati, Explained
New Podcast Ep!! — open.spotify.com
We're back and we're healthy! This week we talk about JLo's love for Ted Lasso (she's one of us), and the ethics of rap lyrics being used as evidence in court, before launching into the main topic of the day - WTF is the Illuminati??? We go into the history of the group, how it's become such a big thing in pop-culture (especially when it comes to celebrities) and whether it actually exists. A super fun and interesting episode!
Some songs I’m loving that we need to talk about
I love sharing with you the music and shows and books that I’m into and there are two songs that I am STRAIGHT VIBING TO rn (note: this is while I wait for Harry’s House.) Anyway song one:
Cate’s Brother, Maisie Peters:
TikTok did in fact make me do it - BUT - I’ve loved Maisie Peters for a long time (Favourite Ex is such a good song!!) Anyway, Maisie teased Cate’s brother - a song about falling for your mate's brother (fictional, unfortunately) for a LONG time on TikTok, and it was taking over my FYP for SO LONG that when I saw that it had dropped I naturally went and listened to it and… I’m sorry but I LOVE IT.
It’s Gen Z’s Stacy’s Mom and it’s such a bop and the first chorus is slow and pulled back and the next choruses are SO FAST-PACED AND CHAOTIC and I think it’s great.
My Ego Dies At The End, Jensen Mcrae:
I spoke about Jensen on Culture Vulture already, but again, I FOUND HER ON TIKTOK after she tweeted this:

And then released a version of it:
And Phoebe Bridgers was even into it (she endorsed it with a retweet.) Anyway - she’s just released an album and her song ‘My Ego Dies At The End’ is SO fucking good - it gets me in my feels and has this weird lil drum that pops up every now and again and shouldn’t really work but just… does? Also ‘Make You Proud’ sounds like I wrote it and makes me cry when I hear it if I’m feeling sensitive.
Harry Styles and Zane Lowe - I’m obsessed
An now an equally amazing and highly produced video of me (kinda)
Tech You Should Care About Trailer (It's funny) — vimeo.com
See you all on Monday to do this IRL!
Ok so Cara Delevigne was randomly ALL over my TikTok FYP yesterday for being really… idk… thirsty? Over Megan Thee Stallion?? I started seeing all these videos of Cara half following Megan around/ half acting as her assistant and honestly, I have no idea what’s going on (I really hope she's doing okay/ people on her team are checking on her) but look at these tweets from the night:

Maybe they're just really good mates and we all got the wrong end of the stick??? (That tends to happen on the internet sometimes.)
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How is your mental health right now?
We did our first ever sponsored mundane poll yesterday with our mates at Evernote (ps if you or the company you work for is interested in sponsoring a mundane poll, hit us up here!) and we asked you all about mental health. We're big on checking in ourselves and our mates, and it's mental health awareness month, so we felt like it was time. Here's how you responded:
25% of you are struggling
36% are doing okay
10% are great
29% of you ebb and flow
I'm sending 100% of you my love and energy - it's tough out there. Hope to see us all phoenixing (as Bel would put it) soon 💘
The Illuminati, Explained (Culture Vulture)
Sri Lanka down to last day of petrol, new prime minister says (BBC)
How Mercury Retrograde Went Viral (Harpers Bazaar)
Elections, Elon, & A Heroic Dog (The Shit Show)
Making Sense Of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard (Culture Vulture)