I had a fall
Mōrena lil shits!!
Omg so yesterday I had literally just said to Ruby: “what should I write in the newsy tomorrow Rubes??” and then I got up to grab my diary and HAD A FALL. I went to step over an ottoman thing and honestly went down like a tonne of bricks, straight onto my side. It was hilarious. And Ruby just kept saying “how often do you see an “adult” (yes, she used air quotes) fall over???” Honestly, so true. And that’s something I’ve actually thought about before!
A few years ago, over a uni break, I decided to learn how to skateboard (lol) because I realised that I hadn’t learnt how to do something new in a while, and skateboarding would look really cool. Let me tell you - I FACEPLANTED ON THE CONCRETE SO MANY TIMES - and it really made me think about how little I fall over these days. Side note, my friend Jake came over to skateboard with me and when I kicked him the board, he jumped on it, fell, and BROKE HIS LEG IN TWO PLACES. We spent that afternoon at the hospital and he had to be in a wheelchair for a long time. Moral of the story - if you can avoid falling, please do.
The other moral of the story: if you want me to not have to take up professional skateboarding as a side hustle to afford to do SYSCA, please come and become a ✨SYSCA supporter✨ (how much more compelling can I be?)
BECOME A ✨SYSCA SUPPORTER✨ — shityoushouldcareabout.memberful.com
In today’s edish:
The gamers are coming out in support of Ukraine
An ode to the close girl summer
Celebrities would perhaps like a break from their fandoms
What Makes Someone ‘A Lot’?
Twitter will appoint Elon Musk to its board of directors
Kanye West Pulls Out of Coachella
Do you wear a shirt under a jumper?
An ode to the close girl summer
Here’s a piece that my crush, Bel (who you might be seeing a bit more in the newsy), wrote for Ensemble last week. It’s a beautiful ode to ‘close girl summer’ (every summer is a close girl summer for me) and I just think you should read it:
“Before this summer, I was in love.
I was a cool girl with a crush who shared things like holidays, and cookbooks, and music that we both disliked. We had two keys that turned in the same lock and said things like, ‘we have this thing this weekend’.
We had all those things until the thing itself broke irrevocably, and I wound up in the camping section of The Warehouse after Christmas choosing between a single or double air bed while Robbie Williams’ Angels played overhead."
And also:
January burns on, and witches continue to emerge into your ether. The woman at the Liquor King round the corner notices you’ve lost weight and are a frequent patron at her headquarters. ‘You look better, honey. But also worse,’ she says as she swipes your white wine in. ‘You’ll get there in the end, I promise.’ ‘Also’ - she adds as you turn to leave, ‘it’s time for a haircut’. You get home and book one immediately.”
It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve read in a long time and I can’t wait to feature more and more of Bel in the newsy.
The Slap isn't even the worst thing that's happened at the Oscars — open.spotify.com
We get it - we're all sick of reading, thinking, and talking about the slap - so we don't dwell on it for long. Instead, we take you through some of the WILD (and some of the downright racist) moments that have occurred in the many years that the Oscars have been running, and I promise you're going to be SHOCKED at some of them. (PS does anyone else remember John Travolta calling Idina Mendel "Adele Dazeem???" Tune in for more!
The gamers are here to support of Ukraine
Starting with… Fortnite raising $144 million for Ukraine relief!!
This is epic (pun very much intended!)
“In two weeks, Fortnite has raised a total of $144 million for Ukraine relief efforts. Ahead of its most recent season, developer Epic Games said that it would be donating all of its proceeds from the game, along with those from Microsoft, to humanitarian efforts following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine for a period of two weeks.”
The funds are being put towards a bunch of aid groups, including Direct Relief, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the United Nations Children’s Fund, and the World Food Programme.
And it’s not just Epic Games
Last month Riot Games (the people behind League of Legends) raised $5.4 million for Ukraine, Itch.io raised $6m, and Humble Bundle (who have Spyro) raised $20m. We love to see it!
Celebrities would perhaps like a break from their fandoms
Here’s an interesting piece about the relationship between celebrities and their fans - something that Liv and I have talked about extensively on Culture Vulture. Off the back of Doja Cat’s fans driving her to ‘quit’ music, we seem to be seeing a new perspective on fandom - the idea that celebrities would perhaps like to take a break from their fandoms.
It’s a tricky one for me personally (as you all know) because I’ll always advocate for stans/ encourage people to love things, and there’s nothing quite like being in a fandom - but there’s certainly a level of respect that you gotta have - and a line that can not/ should not be crossed. Celebrities don’t actually owe us shit (except for their talent/art/the reason we discovered them in the first place.)
I’ve mentioned us treating reality stars like commodities before - as something we use and consume when we’re in the mood for them/ their behaviour, but who we can completely turn on when we’re done with them - and it’s kinda the same for other celebrities. Sure, they produce things for us - music, films, tv shows, art - and they’re designed to be commodified (whether you agree with this or not is a whole other conversation but for argument's sake, yes, they create stuff so that we can buy/ consume it.) But what isn’t up for grabs is their real life - which is where we cross the line. Their life is something they can use to help sell those aforementioned commodities, but only if they choose to. THEY DON’T OWE IT TO US! And damn, as the pandemic has worn on and we’ve constantly used our faves for comfort, or to see something shiny and good as an escape from real life, it’s no wonder they’re wanting a break. I’ll leave you with an excerpt from the Vice article:
“With the world still shaking in the constant shudder of the pandemic, and with fans looking to the rich and famous for a reason to believe that all is still good, the celebrity is bowing under immense pressure. And for an era in the grips of unfiltered social media connection, the distance between celebrity and fan is ever-closer. We are pushing the boundaries of what a celebrity is - and who they should be.
In the end, celebrities don't owe fans anything, but if they want to be a celebrity they have to play along with the rules.
It’s when the rules start changing that things get difficult.”
Listen to Harry ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖
Please become a SYSCA SUPPORTER so I can keep doing this for you 🥺 — shityoushouldcareabout.memberful.com
What Makes Someone ‘A Lot’?
As someone who has been called (and is aware that she certainly is) ‘a lot,’ a lot in her life(xD), this piece from my current fave newsletter ‘The Good Word’ honestly slaps.
“What are people saying about me when they preface my arrival by telling the rest of the people at the party that I’m “a lot”? A lot of what? A lot of fun? A lot of stress? A lot of people’s worst nightmare? At this point, many of us know what a person means when they say someone is “a lot.” But on a grammatical level, using an adjective of unspecified measurement should make absolutely no sense. Imagine if I called someone “a few” or “a bunch” or “some.” Your mind would grasp for a phrase to fill out the meaning of the sentence by specifying the contents of the quantity in question. But not for a lot. You don’t need to be a lot of anything. You can just be a lot.”
Twitter will appoint Elon Musk to its board of directors
Following on from our story on Elon yesterday, it’s just been announced that he’ll join Twitter’s Board Of Directors :P

Kanye West Pulls Out of Coachella
It’s kinda all in the headline, but read more here if you want!
Do you wear a shirt under a sweater?
I don’t (for the most part):
because I run super hot and
60% of you do wear a shirt underneath
40% of you don’t
The Slap isn't even the worst thing that's happened at the Oscars (Culture Vulture)
Russia's 'eased' attacks, and Will Smith's slaps (The Shit Show)
In praise of the feijoa, New Zealand’s most socialist fruit (The Spinoff)
The Best Skin-Care Trick Is Being Rich (The Atlantic)
Selena Gomez Says Being Diagnosed As Bipolar Was ‘Freeing’ (The Cut)
Britney Spears Says Writing Her Memoir Is ‘Healing and Therapeutic’ (The Cut)
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