✨I'm not jealous, I'm just envious✨
Mōrena lil shits!!
As you're reading this I'm travelling back to my hometown for a lil family time and some R&R over Easter/ Anzac Day, so get ready for (hopefully) some more ✨Normy✨ updates!! It's probs a good time to mention that you won't be getting a newsy on Good Friday, Easter Monday or ANZAC Day but I'll make it up to you by giving you really good ones on the days in between (probably.)
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Let's talk about the ✨pay gap✨
Britney Spears is pregnant again
One of you gave me a meme idea, so I made it
Are you jealous or are you envious? They're not the same
I loved this profile on Phoebe Bridgers
Donald Glover interviews Donald Glover
How do you pronounce 'Puma?'
This section was brought to you by our mates at Mind The Gap!!
Do you talk about your salary with your partner? With your flat? With your co-workers? Well - you should! Over the past few weeks, we’ve been chatting a bunch about the gender and ethnic pay gaps, but I figured it was time to do some mythbusting (with help from our mates at Mind The Gap!)
WTF is a pay gap?
Pay gaps data shows the difference in earnings between groups of people. In New Zealand, Māori & Pasifika women are the lowest income earners, earning 25% less than the average white male.
We have pay gaps because of many things: paying some people less than others for the same role, paying some people less for roles that require the same level of skills/energy) or simply - and sadly - being biased and discriminating. Yikes - I know.
But NZ’s is only 9% - that’s not even that bad?
First of all besties, it is bad, and second of all - that’s not the full story. Here in NZ, the average gender pay gap is 9%, but the pay gap between a Pākeha man and a Pasifika woman is 25%
How can we help?
By reporting on the pay gap - the most simple and effective tool for closing it. In the UK (where pay gap reporting is required by the Government) the gaps have been reduced by 19%! Mind The Gap has also just launched New Zealand’s first Pay Gap Registry, where you can see which larger businesses in NZ report theirs.
ASK ABOUT IT! To get more businesses reporting on what their pay gap is, it’s on us to start having these conversations. We know these chats can be uncomfy or nerve-wracking (whether it’s with our employers, where we shop, or even with our banks), so if you’re in a position to, here are some templates to help!!
You know our newsy’s are a two-way street, & I’d love it so much if you could respond with any experiences you’ve had with the pay gap - whether it’s discovering it in your workplace or starting a conversation about it with someone you work for - I wanna hear from you!

A really good meme idea from Rebecca
Yesterday as I was responding to all your lovely emails (yes, I read + respond to as many as I can!!) newsy reader Rebecca said this:
“Also whenever I read the part about becoming a SYCSA supporter, for some reason an image pops into my head of a Destiny’s Child meme where the words “I’m a survivor” are replaced with “I’m a subscriber”. If no one has made that meme yet then they bloody well should.”
And to prove to you that I’m always here listening, I present to you:
Britney Spears is having a baby 🎶one more time🎶
Yup!! She announced that she's "having a baby" with her fiancé, Sam Asghari, in an Instagram post Monday:
I lost so much weight to go on my Maui trip only to gain it back 🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️ … I thought “Geez … what happened to my stomach ???” My husband said “No you’re food pregnant silly 🤪 !!!” So I got a pregnancy test … and uhhhhh well … I am having a baby 👶🏼 … 4 days later I got a little more food pregnant 🤰🏼🙈🙈🙈 It’s growing !!! If 2 are in there … I might just lose it 😬😬😬😬😬😬 … I obviously won’t be going out as much due to the paps getting their money 💴 shot of me 📸 like they unfortunately already have … it’s hard because when I was pregnant I had perinatal depression … I have to say it is absolutely horrible 😔 … women didn’t talk about it back then … some people considered it dangerous if a woman complained like that with a baby inside her … but now women talk about it everyday … thank Jesus we don’t have to keep that pain a reserved proper secret 🤫 😬😬😬 … This time I will be doing yoga 🧘♀️ every day !!! Spreading lots of joy and love 💕 !!!
Go off Brit!
Are you jealous or are you envious? They're not the same
This is something Liv and I have wanted to talk about on a podcast way before Culture Vulture even existed - and this week we finally got to! But I really wanted to give you a brief run-down of the difference in the two emotions, and why Liv and I even wanted to talk about it in the first place.
A few years ago Liv and I had like... an 'unlock' moment. We were thinking about jealousy and envy and how these are quite 'ugly' feelings, but we were like... "actually, they're probs indicators of what we truly want in life, if we just look into them a bit more instead of beating ourselves up for feeling them." I mean, we definitely said it in a much less succinct way than that, but I remember it feeling like a huge lightbulb moment for me. It does help though, to note that, as Homer says above, these emotions aren't the same thing.
Here's a lil explainer from LifeHacker:
"Envy is about something you want but don’t have.
Envy is the simpler concept, so let’s start there. It refers to something pretty specific: a situation where somebody else has a thing that you don’t.
In this case, your focus is on the thing they have, not on how you feel about them personally. You can be jealous of somebody’s personal attributes or their possessions: maybe their confidence, their style, their car, their high-paying job that lets them take lots of vacations while you’re toiling away at home.
Jealousy describes a perceived threat.
When you’re jealous, in the purest sense of the word, there’s more going on than a simple desire for something you don’t have. Often you do have the thing you want, but now you’re feeling threatened or betrayed.
This concept comes up in relationships: You are happy with your partner, but now someone else is flirting with them. What if your partner likes this new guy better? The core emotion here is a feeling that your position is under threat. You might lose your partner."
Liv and I dive DEEEEEP into what we're envious of and why humans have adapted to feel these 'complex' emotions, and it's actually such an unlock-y episode so you should totally go and listen!!!
What Your Jealousy Is Really Telling you - Culture Vulture — open.spotify.com
This week, after recapping Ed Sheeran's latest lawsuit and Will Smith's Oscars ban we are joined by our mate the Green Eyed monster to talk about jealousy. How is it different to envy? How can we use such an 'ugly' emotion to our advantage? What makes us jealous?
I loved this profile on Phoebe Bridgers
The LA Times kinda popped off on this profile - it’s not that personal, but it does cover… a lot. They talk about Phoebe’s relationships (not with Paul Mescal tho, but you know what I always say… we aren’t actually owed shit from celebs), her label, her tumultuous upbringing, her collab with Taylor Swift, her current defamation lawsuit…
You should read it :-)
Also, Donald Glover did an interview with Donald Glover for Interview Mag
That wasn’t a typo - he interviewed himself, and he does NOT go easy on himself, which I love. Look:
“Yeah, so first question, why’d you want to do this?
I guess I don’t love interviews and I asked myself, “Why don’t you like interviews?” And I think part of it is that the questions are usually the same. This way I can get questions I usually don’t get asked.
You don’t think this is contrived?
I don’t think it’s more contrived than any other interview.
Alright. I wrote down some things I’ve been thinking about. I’m gonna try to not have a ton of follow-up so we can go quickly. Cool?
Great. Who do you see yourself as?
In what sense?
Who do you model your career after?
Oh. Willy Wonka. That’s the world I like. You have your factory, you make something, put it out, and then close shop to the public for a while.”
“Is that why privacy is so important to you?
I don’t think life is real unless some things are just for you. Things that should not or cannot be shared. I think the younger generation is going to have a hard time distinguishing whether something is for them or for others, and I think it could play out as a diminished sense of self. You really have to know what you would do if no else was watching.
Like the story about Robert Redford when the elevator door is closing and someone asks him, “Are you the real Robert Redford?” And he said, “Only when I’m alone.”
Exactly. I mean, how do you know otherwise?”
And some tea on Phoebe Waller-Bridge:
“Speaking of men and women, you’re working on Mr. and Mrs. Smith right now. Is that why you shaved your head?
No. I didn’t have to be Earn anymore.
What happened with Phoebe Waller-Bridge? She was supposed to be on Smith, right?
Yeah. But classic creative differences.
Are you and Phoebe still friends?
What does it mean to be a friend? I still like her. I assume she still likes me.
Who’s Mrs. Smith now?
Maya Erskine.
From Pen15? I love her.
One last line on his feelings towards social media:
"Everyone I meet who’s active on the internet looks tired as fuck in real life.”
Again, you should read it all!
How do you pronounce 'Puma?'
One of my fave jokes growing up was something like:
"knock knock"
"who's there?"
"Puma who"
"Puma PANTS"
Which would only make sense to 73% of you, because the other 27% of you say "Pyewma."
What Your Jealousy Is Really Telling You (Culture Vulture)
Yes, even wars have rules (The Shit Show)
Content warning: rape. Ukraine conflict: 'Russian soldiers raped me and killed my husband' (BBC)
Ukraine’s First Lady, Olena Zelenska, on Life Under Siege—and How Her Country Is Moving Forward (Vogue)
Ikea’s Race for the Last of Europe’s Old-Growth Forest (The New Republic)
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