Joe Rogan, Novax Djokovic, & Other Menaces
Mōrena lil shits!!
Today’s edition of the newsletter is dedicated to my little cat/bestie Enzo, who died yesterday. Enzo came into our family to look after us / provide entertainment and joy after we lost my little brother & has caused nothing but WONDERFUL CHAOS in our lives ever since. He was the lil light of my life for the past two years (we even have the same birthday!!) and I’m warning you all that I’m SO SAD right now, so if I make any typos/ dumb comments you aren’t allowed to hold them against me today, ok???
Help pay my rent?? 🥺 —
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In today’s newsletter:
Novax Djokovic lost his court battle (before even stepping foot on it)
An underwater volcano erupted in Tonga
Doctors VS Joe Rogan
Women make up for 73% of exclamation point use on the internet!!!!
Do you use ‘shift’ or caps lock???
Game set & match: Novax Djokovic loses his battle with the Aussie government
Watching the back and forth of Novak’s bid to play in this year’s Australian Open has been like - dare I say it - watching a tennis match. First, he got an exemption from needing the vaccine, then he wasn’t allowed into the country because the government didn’t accept it. Then, after a quick court battle (though notably not a tennis court battle) he was allowed to play again, but NOW, he’s not allowed to play again. And *touches wood* I think that could be the final decision.
Let’s rewind just a little bit. On Friday, immigration minister Alex Hawke overturned the ruling to reinstate Novak’s visa and made the call to deport Djokovic from Australia "on health and good order grounds, on the basis that it was in the public interest to do so". Naturally, Novak and his lawyers argued back against this, but a panel of three Federal Court judges in Melbourne has refused to reinstate it, so Novak’s gotta go.
Novak has said that he will not argue against this ruling has since been deported.
"I am extremely disappointed with the Court ruling to dismiss my application for judicial review of the Minister's decision to cancel my visa, which means I cannot stay in Australia and participate in the Australian Open.
"I respect the Court's ruling and I will cooperate with the relevant authorities in relation to my departure from the country.
"I am uncomfortable that the focus of the past weeks has been on me and I hope that we can all now focus on the game and tournament I love."
Anyone got any idea on how he can continue to play the game that he loves??? Anyone???
An underwater volcano erupted, causing a tsunami in Tonga
Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai - a huge underwater volcano only 65km north of Tonga's capital Nuku'alofa - has erupted and has caused a tsunami to hit Tonga leaving entire towns flooded & a warning from scientists that entire towns could be covered in ash. Though communications are still limited, there have been no reports of death so far.

Jacinda Ardern, (our Prime Minister here in NZ), said that the government had not been able to communicate with coastal areas beyond the capital, Nuku’alofa.
“Nuku’alofa is covered in thick plumes of volcanic dust but otherwise conditions are calm and stable. We have not yet received news from other coastal areas.”
Novax Djocovid and Bored Apes? - The Shit Show —
Happy first episode of the new year everyone! We're coming at you refreshed (but as chaotic as ever) to talk about everything that went down over the break. We had a rogue Elmo, a huge Omicron outbreak, a tennis star ALMOST not get to play tennis and some bored apes that got... stolen? All will be revealed in this weeks episode of The Shit Show!
I upset a lot of Jobros on Instagram yesterday
No, by Jobros I don’t mean I upset the Jonas Brothers. It’s worse. I upset a bunch of Joe Rogan fans by posting about the 270 medical professionals, public health experts, and science educators who have written an open letter to Spotify asking that the company takes action against “mass-misinformation events which continue to occur on its platform.” What they’re referring to are some of the claims that Joe Rogan has either made (“this doctor was saying ivermectin is 99% effective in treating Covid, but you don’t hear about it because you can’t fund vaccines when it’s an effective treatment!”) or platformed (“mass formation psychosis” is responsible for people believing that vaccines work, hospitals are financially incentivized to falsely diagnose Covid-19 deaths etc etc etc) on his silly little podcast which is also like the biggest in the world.
And in case it isn’t clear (apparently it’s not to some people after looking through those comments) by talking about this - an actual dangerous misinformation issue - I am not calling for all free speech to be censored and I do not like cancel culture (we’ve actually discussed our feelings on cancel culture here) - but when it’s dangerous and bat shit crazy and impacting the lives of so many impressionable people, I do think we should talk about it (especially when Spotify have paid $100m to have Rogan on their platform!)
You can read the open letter (and all the comments) here!
Women make up for 73% of exclamation point use on the internet!!!!
I was minding my own business reading an article in MEL titled: ‘Men Should Use More Exclamation Points’ (and yes they should) when I came across this line:
“In fact, some studies have found that women are responsible for as much as 73 percent of all exclamation points.” (Note: the study is from 2006 and only looked at women and men so I’m keen to see an updated version that includes non-binary people too!!)
Considering the chaos of all my comms, I am not surprised by this study. What I am surprised at (and in awe of, and thankful for) is the fact that someone actually went ahead and conducted a study on it. Go off Carol Waseleski!! On a slightly more serious note, I’ve personally had warnings (or tried to self-censor) against using too many exclamation points, to make comms seem ‘work appropriate’ or to stop myself looking over-excited or idk… too friendly??? which is something that largely, I don’t think dudes have to worry about. And do you know what??? FUCK THAT!!!!!

On the other side of that though - don’t ever feel like you have to soften your comms, or add smileys or exclamation points either (coming from the person who is intimidated by a full stop.) I reckon typing is another thing we can just stop policing and just maybe just... Type!! How!! We!!! Wanna!!! Type!!! (Case in point: me!)

While we’re on the subject of punctuation, do you use ‘shift’ or caps lock?
First of all, this mundane poll idea was sent to me by one of you on Instagram and I think it might be one of my faves yet! Like, it’s just so… mundane… yet so... divisive!
60% of us use shift and 40% use caps lock
BUT! I got so many messages that I agree with - if it’s a single letter or just a few letters - shift is the go. BUT IF IT’S A WHOLE DAMN SENTENCE, NATURALLY, IT’S CAPS LOCK (we aren’t animals.)
Also, I realised that I didn’t give you the results on the middle vs edge piece of the brownie.
51% of us like the middle better and 49% like the edge - I’m actually a bit shook at how close that one was!
Novax Djocovid & Bored Apes (and Elmo!) (The Shit Show)
How Did We Get So ‘Cringe’? (The Atlantic)
23-year-old teacher Ashling Murphy was killed in Ireland (BBC)
I’ve started watching Yellowjackets (The Verge)
I’m Not Owned!! (Dirt)
Gen Z, Creators, and Our Mental Health Tipping Point (Rex Woodbury)
You can listen to us talk about Sex & The City & Josh Bassett on Culture Vulture, about THE WORLD on The Shit Show or watch us explain the internet on Extremely Online.
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