Mōrena lil shits!!
Not to state the mfing obvious or anything but DAMN it’s dark in the mornings here in NZ these days!! I just googled it and Daylight Saving (still just the weirdest concept of all time + what if she doesn’t want to be saved?) ends on April 3rd in NZ so that means… something. On another note, thank you for all your kind words about the ‘ode to crosswords’ yesterday - you all have such cute/ wholesome stories about that silly lil puzzle - who knew??
Also, you’ll see it when you scroll down in like two seconds but we’ve worked with a very special partner in today’s newsy for something that literally changed my WHOLE LIFE (I wouldn’t write about it if it didn’t!) So u should definitely click/ get yourself one and then we can all chat about it 👀👀👀👀 (sorry for teasing.)
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✨ PS!! I've had a few people reaching out wanting to advertise in the newsy - if you or the organisation you work for is interested in renting some space to chat to 50k of the coolest humans on the planet, hit us up (or just reply to this email!) ✨
In today’s newsletter:
You can send an email to hundreds of Russians to help them get proper info about the war
Apparently I’m an excellent wing woman
Pete Davidson texts Ye saying he’s in bed with Kim Kardashian, goes to space
I read ‘It Ends With Us’ and it was the worst
Tom Brady unretired
Are there more strands of hair or blades of grass in the world?
You can send an email to hundreds of Russians to help them get proper info about the war
More digital activism to support Ukrainians! We love to see it! We’ve already spoken about people using pop-up ads or using Yandex (Russia’s Google) reviews to ‘sneak’ good information to Russians - now let's talk about emails. A Norweigan computer expert has set up a website that lets anyone send an email about the war in Ukraine to up to 150 Russian email addresses at a time so that Russian people have a chance to hear the truth their government is hiding.
The subject line reads: 'Ya vam ne vrag' - 'I am not your enemy,' and starts off with "Dear friend, I am writing to you to express my concern for the secure future of our children on this planet [luce note: feels spammy]. It goes on to ask people to reject the war, and visit non-state run news sources to seek the real story.
In literally just a few days, more than 22 million of these emails landed in Russian inboxes.
Fabian, whose idea this was, says: "During the Second World War, and in earlier wars, people flew over Germany with leaflets and dropped them out. This is just a more modern way of trying to get people to open their eyes.”
I guess once the emails have been sent, you just gotta hope that people actually 1) decided to read them and 2) decide to believe what they're saying (which kinda goes against everything we’ve ever been taught about email safety…) BUT, I’m always saying ‘do what you can with what you have' and the people power here is just amazing! It’s also good to see email spam finally being put to good use (instead of idk, a daily newsletter sprinkled with Harry Styles and cringe emoticons XD)
Here’s the website! (I tried to send some emails out but I got the error 404 page so either Putin’s onto us, or too many people are trying to help!!!)
This section is brought to you by our besties at Hello Period!!
Ok, so I'm about to get extremely real with you (like… realer than usual). For the longest time I’ve been wanting to try out a period cup (they’re so much better for the environment and SO much less admin than other sanitary items) but I have always been SHIT scared!!
What if it gets stuck?? What if it leaks?? What if my flatmates walk in on me boiling it?? But for you - and thanks to the angels at @helloperiodco - I got over it. I literally stood in the bathroom for 40 minutes trying to work up the courage to try it - and I did - and it changed my fucking life.
Everyone has different experiences with it (and you’ll hear me & Liv chat about a bunch of them on a special podcast we’re recording for you) but my experience was fucking amazing. It went in and out SO easily (this is what I was most worried about) and it literally DIDN’T LEAK ONCE.
Hello Cups (& their new Hello Disc - which you can safely use with an IUD!) are made without any nasty shit, and they’re a real period game-changer (be patient with yourself, I promise you’ll get there!)
The best part? If you want to get your mitts on one of these, just head over to helloperiod.com and chuck in our code GOODSHIT15 to get 15% off (from anywhere in the world!)
Happy bleeding besties!
Apparently I’m an excellent wing woman
One of you sent me this on Friday and I’m obsessed with it:

And the Peter in question, bless him, did in fact see it, and get in touch with me, saying:
So, I just wanted to reach out (and figured it was better to email than send you a DM on Instagram as I know you read all of these) – but that was my Hinge profile you posted this morning.
The prompt actually worked! I have been dating a very lovely girl in Auckland who also follows you, the prompt was how our conversations on Hinge started and she says it’s one of the reasons why she matched with me! We’ve been on about six dates now over a period of 2 months!
So, I guess thank you for being a great wing-person! I hope things work out for you as well!
Love u bestie xxxxxx”
Not good news for my love life, but great news for the lucky (and smart) girl who was sold by that prompt. Invite me to the wedding eh (I’ll see if Harry’s free to be my +1)
I read ‘It Ends With Us’ and it was the worst
Eeeeek this might be an unpopular opinion, and it might be because I’d just come from reading quite a ✨sophisticated✨ book (To Paradise) but I cringed the entire duration of ‘It Ends With Us.’ It was written like an extremely bad fanfic, with no character development (or scene-setting) and it just… icked me out! It was a super easy, fast, rom-commy read - but the writing is just so bad. The redeeming factor was the note at the end of the book about Colleen Hoover’s personal experiences, but the book itself - not for me. DAMN, I WANTED TO LOVE IT BUT I CAN’T LIE TO YOU ALL (also… can’t wait for Book Club 👀)
The latest from Ukraine:
First I wanted to share this piece from The New York Times, ‘4 Falsehoods Russians Are Told About the War’ which details what the war looks like to Russians. It includes news stories and examples of the propaganda machine at work, and details these four narratives in particular:
After Russian shellings killed Ukrainian civilians, Russia blamed ‘neo-Nazis’
After a nuclear facility caught fire, Russians claimed they were protecting it
After Russia shelled a residential neighborhood, Russians claimed Ukrainians did it
After attacks bloodied civilians, Russians called injured Ukrainians crisis actors
And here’s the latest from The Kyiv Independent:

A Huge Russia/ Ukraine Update! - The Shit Show — open.spotify.com
We're coming at you with a big old update on Russia's invasion into Ukraine. Why are pro-war Russians drawing "Z" everywhere? How is crypto being used by both sides? How are digital activists using targeted ads to help the cause? Why can't I get a large coke in a Russian maccas anymore? All your questions answered (in words you can understand!)
Pete Davidson texts Ye saying he’s in bed with Kim Kardashian, goes to space
Yesterday, Pete Davidson’s friend, Dave Sirus, shared a text conversation between Pete and Ye where Pete said (among other things) that he was currently in bed with Kim (and attached a photo):
And as if this whole situation wasn’t out of pocket enough, Pete is off to space on Blue Origin’s latest human flight.

Tom Brady un-retired
Not gonna lie, I don’t care that much about this, but there’s something about unretiring on such a major scale that does tickle me :P

Also this:
Are there more strands of hair or blades of grass in the world?
I'm really trying to not let myself think too hard about this (very un-Luce of me, I know)
40% of you say grass
60% of you say hair
The complicated life of Kanye West: Part 1 (Culture Vulture)
A lot has changed since March 15, 2019 – but not enough (The Spinoff)
When Pigs Cry: Tool Decodes the Emotional Lives of Swine (The New York Times)
Lewis Hamilton to change name to incorporate mother's surname (BBC)
Lacoste and Minecraft Officially Unveil SS22 Collaboration (Hypebeast)
Critics Choice Awards 2022 results (The NY Times)
A Huge Russia/ Ukraine Update! (The Shit Show)
You can listen to us talk about all things pop culture on Culture Vulture, about THE WORLD on The Shit Show or watch us explain the internet on Extremely Online.
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