Respectfully, Dolly Parton Bows Out
Mōrena lil shits!!
First of all - thank you for the love re: our partnership with Hello Period yesterday (and also for your absolute bravery when it came to sharing your most embarro period moments.) I can't WAIT for you to hear the podcast, where Liv and I tell you WAY TOO MUCH and share more of your stories, but in the meantime, make sure you head to and use the code GOODSHIT15 to get yourself a period cup (or their new disc.) Literally life-changing I tell ya!
Anyway, last night my flatmates were joking about how you need to watch what you say around me because everything will be repurposed for the newsletter (and so true, how the hell else am I meant to think of content every damn day????). But this chat with them did remind me of something I know they’ll want me to tell you - over the past few days I’ve walked in on them both on the toilet. After over half a year of living together (and a lockdown) somehow we’ve avoided this, but lately, both of them have been the victims of an unexpected barge in by Luce. I’ll leave out my first-person POV descriptions, but to Josh and Tom… maybe learn to lock the doors (or stop talking shit about ur mate who has a daily newsy.)
Also, after reading my story about mixing up the word ‘impatient’ with ‘impotent,’ newsy reader Casey sent through her story:
“Luce I think it is vital that you know that I (senior in high school aka age 17) had NO idea that’s what impotent meant, and thought it just meant that someone was oblivious. I just said it in front of my entire theatre class today.”
If you wanna support ur bestie Luce and get a lil star by your name, you can become a paying subscriber & chuck me $5 a month here. Or! If you want to do a one-off donation of more or less than that, you can do it here! I love you!
✨ PS!! I've had a few people reaching out wanting to advertise in the newsy - if you or the organisation you work for is interested in renting some space to chat to 50k of the coolest humans on the planet, hit us up (or just reply to this email!) ✨
In today’s newsletter:
Bipolar disorder is complicated. So is how we talk about Ye
Inside the volunteer 'police department' arresting people in VR
In the most predictable move ever, TikTok launched a music distribution platform: SoundOn
Look at all these new emojis
A wild theory about Lea Michele
Dolly Parton 'respectfully' withdraws from Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominations
Is it "get off scot free" or "get off scotch free?"
New episode of Culture Vulture!
The Complicated Life of Kanye West, Part 2: Kim, Trump & Mental Health - Culture Vulture —
In part two of our series on Kanye West, we discuss two major relationships in his life: Kim Kardashian and Donald Trump. Underpinning all of this is a long-overdue lesson on bipolar disorder - what it is & how it has manifested in Kanye's actions. A super important discussion this week, and one we hope you all take the time to tune in to!
Bipolar disorder is complicated. So is how we talk about Ye
As part of our podcast conversation, Liv and I draw heavily on the piece “Bipolar disorder is complicated. So is how we talk about Ye” written by Kiana Fitzgerald for Vox. Kiana has bipolar disorder too, and her experience mirrors Ye's in a way that helps us understand the illness - and Ye’s actions - from a more empathetic place than ever before.
She also helps us understand what bipolar disorder actually is. Spoiler: it’s not just a yo-yoing mood. Here are some excerpts, but you should really listen to the podcast:
"I’ve shared the glib attitude about bipolar disorder. For most of my life, I had, as many others do, casually invoked the condition to belittle a person who is being rude or having an off day, or to bash something that is malfunctioning or broken. After years of being uninformed, I would come to realize how wrong this characterization is.
Bipolar disorder consists of two contrasting ends of a mood spectrum: mania and depression. Mania is an unstable mental state, described by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) as having telltale symptoms including “grandiosity, over-optimism, or impaired judgment”; it can also include hallucinations or delusions. Depression, on the other hand, is described as “a state of persistent low mood and a decrease in energy and activity.” While it’s possible to flip between mania and depression during short periods of time — an occurrence called rapid cycling — those diagnosed with bipolar can stay in those states for months or years at a time.
Ye’s spiritual experience of bipolar disorder — saying he feels deified — is familiar to me as well. In my early stages of mania, I feel unstoppable: like the main character, swept up by the universe and carried lovingly through each intense second of my life. During the heights of the state, I tend to become deeply invested in religion and spirituality. I feel like I’m on God’s team, a Chosen One sent here to save the world from itself. It’s intoxicating.
So when I see people discuss Kanye using intentionally disparaging tones and language, it gives me pause. It makes me wonder what the difference between us is, besides the millions of dollars and many Grammy Awards. It makes me question whether the support I’ve received has been genuine.
My goal is not to be the person who defends Ye at every turn. I don’t always agree with his actions, so that’s a role I can’t commit to. What I am here to do is make certain that nobody with this condition, including one of the most famous people on the planet, feels alone.
Damn, Kiana is brave as hell, and also shoutout to whoever commissioned this piece at Vox - I feel like this is what the world needs to be reading before we talk about Ye or anyone in the public eye having a mental health crisis. Go and read it!
Inside the volunteer 'police department' arresting people in VR
As someone who is now an expert on all things VR (meaning I visited VR Chat one time and got told to get back in the kitchen) I feel I am equipped to inform you about this topic (though not quite as equipped as INPUT are.)
Check this out::
“Early last year, Jura was at the spa, chilling in a communal bath and having a casual chat with friends, when the Loli Police Department burst into the building.
He and his pals froze at the sight of the group, clad in uniforms and brandishing guns. The LPD had come to the spa to arrest a wanted criminal, and the person in question wasn’t going down without a fight.
Before Jura had time to react, he was witnessing a hostage situation. The criminal grabbed an innocent bystander and started making demands to negotiate his escape. Suddenly, shots rang out, and an LPD officer hit the ground. The police team called for backup — and shortly thereafter, the LPD’s SWAT team stormed the building. Eventually, the hostage was freed, and the criminal was taken to jail.“
This didn’t actually happen (it all took place in VR Chat, which is the place I’ve visited) and the police officers aren’t actually real police officers - they’re volunteers. What else do you need to know? Oh, there’s about 11,000 of them, and they organise where any good group does - on Discord. And it’s kinda profesh. You start as a cadet, and move your way up through the ranks, like in a police academy. They also take two-hour patrols and are constantly getting heckled, (it seems ACAB is alive and well in VR Chat.)
I’m aware that this is a role-playing game but I can’t help but think that the idea of cops in VR (or something like it) is weirdly kinda… necessary? These extremely online worlds are going to be a fucking nightmare to keep safe/moderate - let's be real. And when META wants to own the Metaverse (but probs not moderate it, if their past is anything to go by), and they also want to paint it as a place you can work real jobs to make real money, maybe the idea of VR police officers really isn’t that far-fetched? I know the whole point of the Metaverse is to be self-owned and decentralised and all that wonderful stuff and what I've just said is kinda... the opposite, but maybe the 'cops' are organised via a DAO? (Lmao this needs to stop being my hypothetical answer for everything because none of this shit reallllly works yet.) If I've lost you, I'm sorry, let's move along to something most of us know about... TikTok!
In the most predictable move ever, TikTok launched a music distribution platform: SoundOn
Even if you don’t use TikTok, you’ve gotta know the colossal impact it’s had on the music industry (especially since I KNOW you’ve all listened to me and Liv discuss it on Culture Vulture), well - they know it too. TikTok has just launched SoundOn, a music marketing and distribution platform that lets artists “upload their music directly to TikTok and to parent company ByteDance’s own music streaming service Resso, in addition to global streaming platforms including Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, Deezer and Tencent’s Joox.”
But why would anyone use it tho???
Well, this distribution is provided free and TikTok says “SoundOn will pay 100% of royalties to music creators for an unlimited time on ByteDance-owned platforms.” Artists will also retain all rights and royalties, meaning they’ll own their masters too (thank u Taylor Swift for teaching me the importance of that last point.)
But I reckon the main pull factor here will defs be the extra push TikTok will give the tracks that are distributed through SoundOn. The website says:
“TikTok creators are the lifeblood of our platform and the reason sounds become hits. When you release through our platform, our team will activate diverse creators to make videos with your track. This helps you broaden your fanbase and reach new communities that these creators are a part of.”
The idea that the biggest music discovery app in the world would be prioritising your music (in theory) and the fact that you own all your masters is certainly a winning combo in the eyes of the independent artist, but I’ll believe it when I see Drivers License 2.0 emerge from SoundOn.
The latest from The Kyiv Independent:

Also, Instagram is now blocked in Russia.
A Huge Russia/ Ukraine Update! - The Shit Show —
We're coming at you with a big old update on Russia's invasion into Ukraine. Why are pro-war Russians drawing "Z" everywhere? How is crypto being used by both sides? How are digital activists using targeted ads to help the cause? Why can't I get a large coke in a Russian maccas anymore? All your questions answered (in words you can understand!)
Look at all these new emojis!
Still not sure if I should be saying ‘emoji’ or ‘emojis’ but that’s just part of the fun of this newsy… I don’t really know anything! Anyway, while none of these hold a torch to :P or xD, it is dangerous that with this new emoji launch they’ve given me a new iteration of 🥺 to run wild with.
A wild theory about Lea Michele
Omg so I saw this theory on TikTok and I’ve been wanting to write about it for a while but every morning there is too much to tell you about!! The newsy’s have been too long! But today, here I am with the totally untrue and baseless theory that Lea Michele can’t read or write.
Here is the TikTok about it, basically breaking down a 40-minute video that detailed how Ryan Murphy would read her all her lines in Glee, she fakes writing her autograph, she did the same show on Broadway for four years because she didn’t want to have to learn new lines… There’s a lot. The Gleeks really stepped it up with this one. For the record, I’d never ever condone making fun of someone who can’t read or write, but the level of fame that this theory got in it’s heyday (and is getting again now via TikTok) is TOO MUCH.
PS here she is discussing it:
Dolly Parton 'respectfully' withdraws from Rock & Roll Hall of Fame nominations
This was the first year that Dolly was nominated - among a bunch of other heavy hitters like Duran Duran, Eurythmics, and Rage Against the Machine - but she’s pulled out, as she doesn’t want to split the votes, and doesn’t feel like she’s ‘worthy yet’ (wow, imposter syndrome really leaves no stone unturned huh?) Here’s what she said on social media:
“Dolly here! Even though I am extremely flattered and grateful to be nominated for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, I don't feel that I have earned that right. I really do not want votes to be split because of me, so I must respectfully bow out. I do hope that the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame will understand and be willing to consider me again — if I'm ever worthy. This has, however, inspired me to put out a hopefully great rock ’n’ roll album at some point in the future, which I have always wanted to do! My husband is a total rock ’n’ roll freak, and has always encouraged me to do one. I wish all of the nominees good luck and thank you again for the compliment. Good luck!”
Is it "get off scot free" or "get off scotch free?"
Scot nothing to do with me.
83% say scot (correct)
17% sat scotch (not correct)
The Complicated Life of Kanye West, Part 2: Kim, Trump & Mental Health (Culture Vulture)
Young, fun and... alone? The problems with the ‘single positivity movement’ (Dazed)
The curious role of crypto in the war against Ukraine (This is written by Squish for The Spinoff!!)
A Huge Russia/ Ukraine Update! (The Shit Show)
You can listen to us talk about all things pop culture on Culture Vulture, about THE WORLD on The Shit Show or watch us explain the internet on Extremely Online.
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