Salad Dressing & 💘Rituals💘
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Yesterday was the LAST FULL DAY of the roadie and it was honestly SO wholesome. We started with a coffee catch-up at Allpress Dunedin which was SO gorg and so many of you came that we had to relocate ourselves outside!! Honestly, the further south we've travelled the more wholesome this roadie has become (not that we haven't loved every coffee catch-up) but we defs ended on a high!! After that, the team dropped me off to do a quick radio interview with Radio One in Dunedin , then to do a podcast with the Sustainability team, then we had a bite to eat & a meeting about something Rubes and I are off to do, and then finally a chat at Otago Girls' High School!!! Another huge day on the tools, followed by a hearty meal of fish and chips in the camp kitchen and a little play on the camp playground as a treat!!!
It's currently 5am and we're on the road to drop me to Dunedin airport (thank you Benny for driving) so depending on how quickly I can write, this newsy is gonna be a light one (just warning you!)
But before we begin, some jokes from Rubes (that she read on the wall at the Dunedin Holiday Park):
"Why do bees hum?'
Coz they don't know the words!
'Why did the elephants get kicked out of the pool?'
Because they couldn't hold up their trunks!
Bel Chimes In: Do you have enough rituals in your life?
You thought the Don't Worry Darling drama was over? You thought wrong
A blast at a Myanmar prison kills at least eight people
Other interesting links for you because my plane is literally taking off!
Bel Chimes In: Do you have enough rituals in your life?
This section is written by my crush, the refreshing-as-a-house-chardonnay-on-a-steamy-day, Bel Hawkins. You should check out more of her beautiful words here.
Gorge, as always, to be back in your weekly softcore philosophy corner — I love it, each week, feeling like a coffee date I always look forward to even if I’m tired or feeling super Worn out Woman vibes. And thank you, always, for the cute snippets of life you let us into in your replies <3 your validation is precious and keeps the SYSCA universe turning!
This week’s Chime, in the gals’ absence as they’re on their roadie (which, BTW, looks so CUTE), is inspired by my recent Friday out, where I raced from work to meet three of my besties at one of our favourite bars, for what we affectionately call a ‘Friday Flop’. Even though we live close together (literally a trio of suburbs we’ve dubbed the ‘golden triangle’), life’s chaos is often keeping us apart.
On Fridays, if we can swing it, we meet, often with our make-up sliding off our faces, a drink we probably shouldn’t be buying because of inflashe, and a deep exhale as we sit down and unpack each other’s lives. It’s precious, hilarious, validating and makes me feel like I’m part of both a montage in a movie and something greater than my small star of life. We talked about how fucked off we were with the local election results, Iran, being a woman at work, our crushes, and how frustrated and apathetic we felt at the same time — shouldn’t we be in the streets protesting climate change? What the hell are we doing? What can we do? Capitalism has a way of keeping us very tired all the time.
Anyway, we drank and danced til 2 am, then had a sleepover like we used to do when we were 18 when we met, and when I woke up, my heart felt like a cup filled right to the top.
All of this is not to flex my gorge female friendships (which, we know, I will talk about forever as the golden elixir of life and are something I’m so lucky to have) but more about rituals. Do you have them? Do you make time for them? I’ve often felt like my life completely lacks culture or tradition, being Pākehā and not religious, living far from my family and a pretty independent life. Plus, often on Sundays, I muse on how being connected to something greater might make the day feel more meaningful. To fill it, I've tried to create all these little things I do that stitch together a feeling of togetherness: rituals.
So this week, my question for you is this: what rituals can you make that make your mind leave your body for a while? My fortnightly phoenixing coffees with Luce, Rom Com Tuesdays on my couch (big with a high back we call 'The Ship') with Holly and Si, hoodied coffees on Vee’s floor on a Saturday, Sunday evening walks up the maunga behind my house, voice notes to my bestie on my walk to work. Small things that thread together to add a rhythm to your life beyond eat, sleep, work, repeat and TikTok. Something to muse on to help your life feel more cute!
Love you! See you next week. Xo
Do you have enough rituals in your life?
Gorge, as always, to be back in your weekly softcore philosophy corner — I love it, each week, feeling like a coffee date I always look forward to even if I’m tired or feeling super Worn out Woman vibes. And thank you, always, for the cute snippets of life you let us into in your replies <3 your validation is precious and keeps the SYSCA universe turning!
This week’s Chime, in the gals’ absence as they’re on their roadie (which, BTW, looks so CUTE), is inspired by my recent Friday out, where I raced from work to meet three of my besties at one of our favourite bars, for what we affectionately call a ‘Friday Flop’. Even though we live close together (literally a trio of suburbs we’ve dubbed the ‘golden triangle’), life’s chaos is often keeping us apart.
On Fridays, if we can swing it, we meet, often with our make-up sliding off our faces, a drink we probably shouldn’t be buying because of inflashe, and a deep exhale as we sit down and unpack each other’s lives. It’s precious, hilarious, validating and makes me feel like I’m part of both a montage in a movie and something greater than my small star of life. We talked about how fucked off we were with the local election results, Iran, being a woman at work, our crushes, and how frustrated and apathetic we felt at the same time — shouldn’t we be in the streets protesting climate change? What the hell are we doing? What can we do? Capitalism has a way of keeping us very tired all the time.
Anyway, we drank and danced til 2 am, then had a sleepover like we used to do when we were 18 when we met, and when I woke up, my heart felt like a cup filled right to the top.
All of this is not to flex my gorge female friendships (which, we know, I will talk about forever as the golden elixir of life and are something I’m so lucky to have) but more about rituals. Do you have them? Do you make time for them? I’ve often felt like my life completely lacks culture or tradition, being Pākehā and not religious, living far from my family and a pretty independent life. Plus, often on Sundays, I muse on how being connected to something greater might make the day feel more meaningful. To fill it, I've tried to create all these little things I do that stitch together a feeling of togetherness: rituals.
So this week, my question for you is this: what rituals can you make that make your mind leave your body for a while? My fortnightly phoenixing coffees with Luce, Rom Com Tuesdays on my couch (big with a high back we call 'The Ship') with Holly and Si, hoodied coffees on Vee’s floor on a Saturday, Sunday evening walks up the maunga behind my house, voice notes to my bestie on my walk to work. Small things that thread together to add a rhythm to your life beyond eat, sleep, work, repeat and TikTok. Something to muse on to help your life feel more cute!
Love you! See you next week. Xo
You thought the Don't Worry Darling drama was over? You thought wrong
Honestly, I wish all this ✨noise✨ would quieten down as much as you all do, but since it's not, I figured I should mention the latest Olivia/ Harry/ Florence/ Jason stuff in here, as things seem to have gotten pretty random with this crew (again) over the past week.

Basically, Jason and Olivia's ex-nanny did a huge 'tell all' with the Daily Mail (yes - the Daily Mail - so take all of this with as much salt as Olivia puts in her salad dressing (an unknown amount)) where she made some pretty bold claims (a spesh salad dressing? Sudeikis laying down in front of the car?). You can read those claims here, but just know that both Jason and Olivia have since come out with this statement denying the accusations:
“As parents, it is incredibly upsetting to learn that a former nanny of our two young children would choose to make such false and scurrilous accusations about us publicly,” their joint statement provided to CNN read. “Her now 18 month long campaign of harassing us, as well as loved ones, close friends and colleagues, has reached its unfortunate apex.”
“We will continue to focus on raising and protecting our children with the sincere hope that she will now choose to leave our family alone,” the statement concluded.
Now that I've given you the basics, I don't really wanna take up the WHOLE newsy with he said / she said, so I figured I'd just give you some links to go and check out if any of you are interested in taking this a bit further!!
Olivia Wilde Might’ve Just Revealed Her Special Salad Recipe (Vulture)
Olivia Wilde and Jason Sudeikis respond to ‘false’ accusations from former nanny in joint statement (Variety)
A blast at a Myanmar prison kills at least eight people
At least eight people have been killed after parcel bombs went off at Myanmar's notorious Insein prison yesterday - including three staff and five visitors. This jail has over 10,000 people in it - lots of whom are political prisoners (you might remember that Myanmar was taken over by the military in a coup not too long ago, and people with dissenting voices over there aren't particularly protected.)
No one has claimed responsibility for these attacks yet, so I'll keep you in the loop!
The stratospheric rise of vape waste in Aotearoa (The Spinoff)
Netflix Suddenly Scared to Offend Anyone With Harry and Meghan Doc (Vulture)
And finally:

Rex Orange County & Brad and Angelina (Culture Vulture)
Fat Bears, Kanye West, Missiles & F1 (The Shit Show)
SYSCA playlists (✨Supporters only✨)
Our HUGE SYSCA reading list! (✨Supporters only✨)