So... Is Elon Buying Twitter Again? 🧐
We'll be hosting a cute coffee catch-up at today at the Auckland Allpress Roastery from 10-12, and everyone is welcome!! No pressure to stay for the whole time, just come, have a filter coffee on us, and say hey!! 💘
Tomorrow we're in Hamilton!
Tomorrow we're gonna be having our coffee catch up at Scotts Epicurean Cafe from 9-11!
On Thursday Oct 13th we're in Wellington
12-2pm at Egmont Street Eatery
On Monday Oct 17th we're in Christchurch:
8-10am at Allpress Christchurch
On Wednesday Oct 19th we're in Dunedin
7:30-9am at Allpress Dunedin Roastery
Thank you all for your cute birthday wishes, you're all too good to me, I can't deal 🥺 I had a day of brunching, working, doing interviews, drinking beers, eating burgers & doing quizzes. In an embarro turn of events tho, I invited all my pals to do a pub quiz after we went and had some beers/ burgers and I LEFT HALFWAY THROUGH because it was taking too long and I was SO TIRED. Is that weird of me?? Or good boundary setting??? They all laughed about it, I promise...
I'm pumped today though because it's day one of the roadie!!! Today is Auckland day (which is where we live) so it's not a big drive, but we've got SO many things happening! Uni lectures, coffee catch ups, TV appearances 👀, radio interviews, magazine interviews... EEK I'm gonna be a tired Luce tomorrow! And all of this will be filmed for you in my 'day in the life' TikTok's so none of you will miss out!!
Bel Chimes In: On Trying Anything Once
I also Chime In: On Trying Anything Once
How did I miss the BTS tamagotchi?
Elon Musk Twitter deal back on in surprise U-turn
Harry Styles Endorses Beto O'Rourke at Texas Concert
Bel Chimes In: On Trying Anything Once
This section is written by my crush, the refreshing-as-a-house-chardonnay-on-a-steamy-day, Bel Hawkins. You should check out more of her beautiful words here.
Hi! Do I ever get bored of telling you how much I love being here? No. I'm gonna tell it to you every week because validation is what makes this SYSCA universe go round :) and you know this, I know this, and we love it, right? Thanks for coming <3
Now, I don't want to labour a story that's already been told like that friend who got back from holiday two weeks ago and still won't stop showing you photos or accidentally speaking in a foreign accent BUT Luce and I had our Phoenixing coffee date this morning (where we spill hot tea, therapise each other for free and work on our ~ secret upcoming project ~) and we both decided you simply must hear more about our illustrious win at Battle of The Bands last week.
Honestly? It could well have been one of the best nights of my year. If you haven't picked up on it (there's lots going on, I don't blame you!), Luce and I work in the same office space (and locked eyes the second we clocked our shared passion for pink in the workplace and immediately became friends), and were recruited for the office band to battle it out on a stage that Dave Grohl once played on? (Kinda masc reference, but hey, going with it).
Anyway, for the last month, in between our hectic Worn Out Women schedules, we've been meeting after hours in rooms that resemble your high school music suite with a bunch of gorgey people to learn our set list, scream into the mic, and for me, resurrect my old passion of playing the drums/percussion. I was nervous as I'd given up my Rock Chick Dreams after I turned 20 and sold my drumkit but wow, what a lesson in doing something that scares you this has been!
Performance night came and wowwowowow it was SO GOOD. From the guy at the music store being surprised that I was buying new drum sticks (as a girl), to the dude who congratulated me from getting off stage for being 'so brave to give it a go' (again, for being a girl I guess) to the pure adrenaline rush of playing music with people you totally vibe, to the fact that our band won, the whole experience was such a lesson in doing something that scares you, in taking the leap, in being brave. (I'm trying to say this in a way that's not like, self congratulatory - I hope you get that!)
It's not a Chime without a bit of softcore philosophy woven in there so, this week, my parting musing is this. Why do we resist doing new things we know we're not good at? Cos we're scared of looking dumb or feeling stupid or being judged or, definitely here in New Zealand, being afraid of people thinking you think you're amazing (tall poppy bullshit, we'll get into that at a later date). What if we did it anyway? I think bravery is one of the hardest and most valuable (and to be honest hot) qualities to master, and continually muster up in your life. Because I have found that every time I do, something kinda... unforgettable happens.
PS. In spirit of resurrecting my former Rock Girl Self (she had a pixie crop and rocked a lot of cheap eyeliner), the name of today's Chime is inspired by this Strokes song, which I'd totally forgotten about, which I think you'll like, which maybe you'll enjoy listening to. Bye for now! xo
Luce Chimes In: Also On Trying Anything Once
When Bel and I were talking about what her chime would/ should be this week, she said this:
Which is BANANAS because when I was at uni I took up skateboarding purely because I felt like I hadn't tried anything REALLY new since I was a kid! So, I came home during my uni break, got on the board and fell on my face SO many times. I was not good. I got scratched and scraped. But the whole time I was thinking... OMG, I haven't put myself out there like this since I was a kid! It was such a weird and invigorating phenomenon.
I should add that my brief stint in skateboarding lasted just long enough for me to learn the life lesson that it's good to try new things, and also just long enough for my bestie Jake to fall off it and break his leg in three places :-) Stay safe out there while you're trying things folks!
Elon Musk Twitter deal back on in surprise U-turn
Who could have called THIS? Elon has apparently changed his mind and is keen to buy Twitter again, sending a letter to the Twitter gods agreeing to pay what he'd originally offered for the company.

How did I miss the BTS tamagotchi?
Not much in this world brings me more nostalgia than thinking back to my tamagotchi days - I think I had a v2, v3, v4, AND v5 (spoilt, I know.) I also remember them getting BANNED from our school, and I remember I could never keep them alive past one generation (eeeek.) Also there was a slot machine game?? That seems... gambly. Anyway, somehow I missed that THERE IS A BTS THEMED TAMAGOTCHI, called the TinyTan Tamagotchi.
"Traditionally, that screen is occupied by a virtual pet — you feed this pet, play games with it, and such by pressing various combinations of said buttons. The TinyTan Tamagotchi is like that, except the pet under your care happens to be a member of the Grammy-nominated band BTS. And that, reader, is how I’ve ended up carrying Jimin around in my pocket for the past few weeks. You’re welcome, Big Hit Music."
I'm not gonna lie, as far as merch/ celeb affiliated shit goes, this is one I would DEF buy into. I'm a sucker for anything nostalgic... maybe we should do SYSCA Pixel Chix??
Harry Styles Endorses Beto O'Rourke at Texas Concert
I forgot to write about this yesterday - probably because I am still too upset about Harry Styles playing a six-night residency in Austin mere DAYS after I left - but on his final night he pointed out a 'BETO for Texas' sticker on his guitar, giving Beto his endorsement!! Pic below!
And finally:
Canada Stabbings and New Prime Ministers (The Shit Show)
Taylor Swift & Romanticising Your Life (Culture Vulture)
The Instagram capital of the world is a terrible place to be (Vox)
Gayle, and the Rise of Meta-Pop (The New Yorker)
Alec Baldwin shooting: Filming to resume after Halyna Hutchins death on set (BBC)
SYSCA playlists (✨Supporters only✨)
Our HUGE SYSCA reading list! (✨Supporters only✨)