🏝Toxic FBoys 🏝
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I had the SLOWEST weekend you could imagine!! It rained and it POURED here in Tāmaki Makaurau leading to my house LEAKING INCREDIBLY BADLY. This is concerning as we've just had roofers working on it for the last few weeks, but since we don't own the place I guess both our problem to live with but not our problem to deal with??? #justrentingthings! Anyway, every single pot in the house is currently being used to catch the drips and it's quite hilar.
Kinda on that note, we've gotta move out at the end of Oct and are having SUCH TROUBLE finding a new place to move into, so on the off chance you've got a wholesome 3-bedroom place in Auckland that you could see me sending the morning newsy from, HMU!!
Rain aside, Saturday marked three years since we lost Jimmy, so I hung out with Rubes, we ate some Korean food, drunk some wine, did some thrifting and book shopping, and then me & my hometown besties (and Jimmy's extra sisters) went out for dinner to a place called 'Little Jimmy' (we've been saving this spot for this occasion.) It was honestly the most unexpectedly gorgeous and hilarious night, and isn't that just the beauty of friendship??? Sometimes the dark days can really glow.
Sunday was equally as rainy and slow - I started reading the new Taylor Jenkins-Reid book 'Carrie Soto Is Back' (I'm currently also reading Joan Didion's 'The Year of Magical Thinking' but had to put it down for a while for... obvious reasons.) I'm too early in to give any reviews, but you know I'm gonna add it to our book rec list for all you supporters when I'm done! My latest obsession is also Disney Dreamlight Valley on my Switch - it's basically ALL I wanna do, so a rainy weekend was perf for me, coz it's all I did.
I also cleaned the bathroom and went and saw Don't Worry Darling (not gonna talk about it in here coz I wanna give you a big review in Culture Vulture!!)
Trevor Noah is leaving The Daily Show
Remember the ALS ice bucket challenge?
Finneas is wearing our 'shit' bracelets
The promo for 'Fboy Island' is the most toxic shit ever
More than 120 dead in football stampede in Indonesia
Trevor Noah is leaving The Daily Show
And also maybe dating Dua Lipa??? But that's not the story here. The story is that Trevor Noah has just announced that he's standing down as the host of The Daily Show, (which he took over from Jon Stewart in 2015.) We don't know when he's gonna depart, or what he's doing next, but he's leaving. Here's his statement below:
Remember the ALS ice bucket challenge?
Turns out, eight years later, the funds raised in the challenge have helped to fund a drug that has now been FDA approved to help people with ALS!!!! This was the best news story I read all weekend, because usually, viral challenges are just a blink in time, and when they're done you kinda forget what they were even for. BUT, the ALS ice bucket challenge raised $115m back in 2014, and now, thanks in part to that money ($2.2m went to this project), a drug has been funded, trialled, and now FDA approved to help treat ALS. More on this story here!!
Finneas is wearing our 'shit' bracelets
Just dropping this in here because it's cool.
He's also wearing them in a few more clips too 🥺
The promo for 'Fboy Island' is the most toxic shit ever
The other day I was scrolling on TikTok when I came across this video:
It's of a group of dudes with NZ accents talking about the things that girls do that gives them 'the ick.' Now, I love to have fun as much as the next gal, and there is a time and place for chats about 'the ick' but these are just... not it?? One of them hates 'boring' girls - one of the worst things you can call a person imo - one of them hates 'girls who talk in TikTok language,' saying: 'it's giving insecure' (these boys would haaaaate me then) and basically the rest of them just don't like it when girls vape??? Would love to know how many of them vape?? The video is hella misogynistic and gross and tbh idk who let it out into the world.
Anyway, a day or two after I'd scrolled past that video, I saw this article pop up: "TVNZ's new reality show FBoy Island NZ hit by discovery contestant faced court charge over teen." Turns out, one of the contestants "took advantage of a teenager's drunkenness to get her into bed then covered her mouth and nose to keep her quiet when she called for help."
"This week the state broadcaster learned Moore appeared in court last year charged with suffocating a woman he admitted to police he lured to his home because she was drunk and he hoped to have sex with her.
The woman, who has name suppression, told the Herald on Sunday that TVNZ should drop the show because it glorifies behaviour that puts women at risk. She said at the least Moore should be dropped from the show and all its marketing material."
I mean, I didn't exactly have high hopes for a show literally named after fuckboys, and I defs wasn't planning on tuning in, but this lack of awareness (or perhaps a simple background) check is certainly giving me 'the ick.'
More than 125 dead in football stampede in Indonesia
At least 125 people have been killed and another 320 injured in a stampede at an Indonesian football game, making it one of the world's worst ever stadium disasters. After the Javanese club Arema were defeated by their rivals Persebaya Surabaya, police started to tear gas fans who were invading the pitch. This led to widespread panic, where thousands surged towards Kanjuruhan the stadium's exits, and many were crushed and suffocated.
Fifa (the world's governing football body) has said that no "crowd control gas" should be carried or used by stewards or police at matches.
Lizzo played James Madison’s 200-year-old crystal flute
Is it bad that I only know things about James Madison via watching Hamilton a million times? Perhaps. Anyway, he's become super relo now, because our gal Lizzo played his crystal flute the other night on stage and it was ICONIC!! Here's a vid:

Some big babies on Twitter got upset about it for no reason, but we don't care!! We love this!!

Canada Stabbings and New Prime Ministers (The Shit Show)
Taylor Swift & Romanticising Your Life (Culture Vulture)
Elon Musk’s texts offer a rare glimpse at the billionaire boys’ club (Vox)
SYSCA playlists (✨Supporters only✨)
Our HUGE SYSCA reading list! (✨Supporters only✨)