#WorldWar3 is trending
Mōrena lil shits!!
Big morning to report back on (she says from the comfort of her bed.) Russia has launched a 'full-scale attack' on Ukraine (more on that below), Squish and I just dropped a new episode of The Shit Show (more on that below) and you're gonna read about the time Liv and I got EXTREMELY LOST (you guessed it - more on that below!!)
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In today’s newsletter:
The war has begun
Liv and I got seriously lost
'Legendary' bull found 80km from home after West Coast floods
The Ultra-introverts who live nocturnally
Do you fall asleep the same way every night?
It’s happened. Russia is officially at war with Ukraine
Yesterday, Russian forces launched a full-scale assault on Ukraine, with its military attacking the country from the north, east and south. Here’s the latest, summarised by the BBC:
People in the capital, Kyiv, have been hearing explosions and air-raid sirens throughout the day
Thousands of people have been trying to flee and seek safety in neighbouring countries
Ukraine vows to fight back, and its president warns this could be the start of a major European war
The Nato defence alliance denounces Russia's invasion as cold-blooded and long-planned
UK PM Boris Johnson says Russia has unleashed a "tidal wave of violence" against Ukraine
The UK, EU and allies are hitting Russia with new sanctions but will not send troops
Vladimir Putin warns that Moscow's response will be "instant" if anyone tries to take on Russia
Kyiv's Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko has announced a city-wide curfew. It will be in force between 22:00 and 07:00," he said.
This is fucking serious and super scary, and damn I’m thinking of anyone living through this right now. On another note though, I would genuinely like to know who is running Ukraine’s official Twitter account.

This is going to be an interesting one to teach about in schools.
Liv and I got extremely lost… and it was the best thing ever
This section is brought to you by the wonderful humans at Getting Lost!
Liv and I are known for being absolutely terrible at anything to do with directions. For us, getting lost isn’t hard, but the thing is - when we’re lost we’re never looking at the scenery or finding new places - usually we’ve got our eyes split between Google Maps and the seven-lane motorway that we’re trying to navigate. Which sucks. But yesterday, we went on an adventure with one intention - to get lost on purpose.
We turned off Google Maps, but were in no way directionless. We were joined by our trusty new navigator - the Getting Lost game. Getting Lost is designed to get us to explore life’s untravelled paths by pulling random cards from a deck to dictate our destination - and it’s fun as hell. There’s a tonne of different editions of the game, but Liv and I chose the “Girls Road Trip Edition” and holy shit did it give us the trip of our lives. The first card we pulled was “take the age of the youngest girl in the car, head North that number of miles or kilometres” which took us into the Waitākere Ranges in Auckland.
Pretty soon we were in the middle of nowhere, so when we pulled a card saying “stop for a drink, last one out of the car pays,” we had to set it down and remember to stop at the first cafe/bar we came across. In the meantime, we pulled “count the number of significant exes belonging to the women in the car, after that number of roads, turn left.” Taking the word ‘significant’ very seriously, we turned left after two roads. This brought us into a random driveway (public, not private) for a place called “Rose Halleby House” which had the most AMAZING VIEW.
We read a little bit about Rose, who was actually a legend. The sign said she “never married and lived an independent and adventurous life,” (kinda like us right now?) Rose was also known as “a fairy godmother to thousands” and became a big old philanthropist, giving contributions to a bunch of groups and organizations (largely anonymously!) What a woman!
After that, we continued on our journey and made our way to a sign that said “Big Kauri Walk” so you better believe we pulled over and walked to see what was, in fact, a BIG BLOODY KAURI!
At this point we were already shook at the random things we’d discovered while playing the game, and while we were hunting for a place to get a drink (we hadn’t forgotten about that card) we turned down a fancy looking road after seeing a sign for a resort (which we hoped had a restaurant.) We drove down the steepest and windiest road (fully paved in white concrete), and went deep into the bush where we drove through some HUGE fancy gates to a literal resort. We drove past a belltower and a helipad and up to the restaurant (we soon realised that it was for paying guests only but had driven all the way down there and were nosey) and honestly, we discovered a magical place that we will never be able to afford to go for real!!
But we were still on the hunt for our drink (and at this point we needed it). After pulling another card which said to “follow a red car” we ended up in a little place called Titirangi where we finally found a bar! And the bar was so sick! And guess what song was playing when we sat down? ‘Lost’ by Frank Ocean. Honestly, you couldn’t even write this shit.
We ordered Graham Norton prosecco (yes, that Graham Norton) and pulled the “stop and ask someone to take a photo of you” card - so naturally, we asked the waitress to snap a cheeky pic. As we did we explained to her that we were playing this game called “Getting Lost” and she was like “I know! My Mum has this game!” And Liv and I were so excited!! While we were drinking our prosecco we pulled our final card of the day which said to have a “quick round of dare, truth, or promise,” so the game ended with a bunch of deep and meaningful chats in a random bar in a random place, as any good game should.
To top all of this off, and add a bit of irony to it all, when we jumped back in the car to drive home (with the help of Google Maps) I ACTUALLY DID GET LOST TRYING TO GET BACK ON THE MOTORWAY. I’M NOT LYING. All of this is to say that Liv and I discovered SO MANY new places on our little getting lost adventure, and honestly, I could NOT recommend this game more - it’s living in my glove box forever now!
New Episode of The Shit Show!
Russia vs Ukraine, Equal Pay & “Don’t Say Gay?” - The Shit Show — open.spotify.com
Today's episode contains a lot of animal stories from Nick (it seems to be his niche these days) + North West's creepy artwork, equal pay for the US women's soccer team, a Russia/ Ukraine update, & an explanation of Florida's "Don't Say Gay' bill. A biggie this week!
The Ultra-introverts who live nocturnally
Yesterday I was drawn to this piece in The Atlantic, about people who choose to live nocturnally.
“But out in that dark night, while most people are fast asleep, there’s a whole world of people who are wide awake. They go to work, drive around, run errands at 24-hour stores. In this parallel universe, there are rarely crowds, nor traffic, nor lines; no awkward shuffling around other shoppers in the grocery aisle, no run-ins with neighbours or cacophony of email notifications. As the sun rises, these nocturnal people settle down to sleep.“
This very concept challenges what most of us think about human nature (and most of us think it because scientifically, it is mostly true) that human beings are inherently social creatures. For most of us, human interaction isn’t just a want - it’s a need. But we all know that humans are multi-faceted creatures, and this need for social interaction just isn’t the case for some. This piece looks at how a bunch of different people - namely introverts - live, and speaks to experts on loneliness and whether it can be healthy to fully remove yourself from social life. There’s also a really interesting point about how technology seems as though it would make it easier to get away from the world (work from home, socialise from home) but really it invades and interrupts any chance of pure solitude.
“You might think modern life would make it easier to be alone. The internet lets you do many jobs and accomplish many tasks from a distance, and social media can allow you some limited form of connection without actually having to endure a crowded bus or a lengthy conversation. But those same technological conveniences can also start encroaching on the feeling of true solitude. “It’s repulsive to be so in touch, and feel like you’re literally in a crowd even if you’re alone in a room,” Anneli Rufus, the author of Party of One: The Loners’ Manifesto, told me. “
You should really go and read the piece - maybe it’s showing us that as humans there are no “universal” ways of being? Maybe it will help you understand introverts better? Maybe it will make you want to stay up all night?
Nick News: 'Legendary' bull found 80km from home after West Coast floods
This story was written by Squish, AKA my brother Nick, which is just cute as hell.
I think this story is pretty incredibull! I first read the headline and was like ‘ok right, he’s just a good swimmer’, but then I read the story and holy shit thiss bull is actually a legend.
So, most of you might not know where Maruia is, but it’s in the West Coast of New Zealand, and, this cattlebeast floated down the river from Maruia, over the Maruia falls (which are 10 meters high!), and down the Buller (unintentional pun) river all the way to Westport! THAT’S 80kms!
Anyway, here are some puns that I’d like to accompany this piece with:
He’s pretty durabull
The cow was invincibull
I didnt think it was feasibull
The farmer would have felt terribull
The bull in the photo looks loveabull
Luce note: I had to include this in today’s newsy because this story is just unbeatabull.
Do you fall asleep in the same position every night?
I do! I’m always on my right-hand side, semi draped over a pillow. Turns out 54% of you also fall asleep in the same position each night, and 46% of you don’t.
Then I posed a follow-up question: what position do you fall asleep in?
28400 people said left side
27300 people said right side
20300 people said tummy
9600 people said back
Russia vs Ukraine, Equal Pay & “Don’t Say Gay?” (The Shit Show)
The Violation of Celebrity Sex Lives (Culture Vulture)
Black Mirror, Euphoria, and Technology's Double-Edged Sword (Digital Native)
10 Breakthrough Technologies of 2022 (MIT Technology Review)
Gay weddings for Russia: How The Sims became a battleground for the LGBTQ+ community (The Guardian)
You can listen to us talk about all things pop culture on Culture Vulture, about THE WORLD on The Shit Show or watch us explain the internet on Extremely Online.
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