Hi babies!!! It’s been a really good week in my REAL life and a really bad week in my ONLINE life, but because I’m mentally in a good place right now (thank you citalopram and the angels in my orbit) everything is JUST FINE. In saying that, I do need to say thank you so much for all your gorge gorge gorge messages supporting me this week. I ride soooo hard for our Close Friends you have no idea.
Let me give you a peek at what I’m answering this week:
Would you ever delete your Instagram?
Any advice on telling your friend you’re bi and that you like her?
I love your style so much, where do you get your clothes?
Favourite song at the moment?
What’s your go-to meal when you’re tired but need to fuel yourself well?
If you’ve never been to the US, where would you like to go?
Would you ever delete your Instagram?
Ok, this is a huge question and one I’ve honestly been considering for about two years now. I actually think I finally have an answer for you, and I bet it’s not the one you’ll expect.