A wee note from me, my angels! We're working on something really special with KidsCan to help support kiwi kids, as times are getting increasingly tough for them in Aotearoa. We'd really love it if instead of becoming a ✨SYSCA supporter✨ today, you could use that money to help feed a Kiwi kid for a week - there's more info below. 💘I love you! 💘
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🥸1D fans & Margot Robbie Deepfakes🥸
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A wee note from me, my angels! We're working on something really special with KidsCan to help support kiwi kids, as times are getting increasingly tough for them in Aotearoa. We'd really love it if instead of becoming a ✨SYSCA supporter✨ today, you could use that money to help feed a Kiwi kid for a week - there's more info below. 💘I love you! 💘