feels very appropriate to read this while being in bed and snacking on corn chips xxx

very much in my goblin mode era

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i feel like every morning when i write this newsy i'm in goblin mode 💘💘

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I swear that half of my contributions to my Contemporary Rhetoric grad class come from you lovely folks at SYSCA--today we were talking about the concepts of demagogues (leaders who gain power by stoking division and thrive in overexaggerating and scapegoating--Donald Trump is a great example), and you pulled through with discussion information on Indonesia AND on Dwight Schrute. You are so so lovely, and hopefully bringing you up in class once a week gets you some subscribers!! Hehehe

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Mary! You are such an angel!! THIS MEANS THE WORLD TO ME

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I've been in half goblin mode all fucking year

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not to impersonate my gma by saying this but i think oxford dictionary naming goblin mode the word of the year is fucking ridic too... like can we have some serious shit left in this world or??

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I feel like EVERYONE is trying to grab the “youth audience” right now and soon we will have no one serving their audience who are grown/ growing!!!

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Here wishing I had the friendships the SYSCA bunch do 🥺

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loved the pod ep today with bel! y’all are such a gorg representation of healthy gen z/female friendships and I love the insight on how close the sysca universe is irl (also culture vulture was #1 on my wrapped!!)

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I think there's something really nice about being on an airplane, literally detached from the world, disconnected from everything and everyone, time spent just by yourself... (and everyone else on the plane lol) It actually gives me anxiety to imagine an airplane full of people, half of them trying to sleep/relax, the other half giving out about the plane wifi, on the phone, screaming over the noise of the engines, or walking up and down the aisle looking for the best connection 😂

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re: internet speak creeping its way into “normal speak”, i saw a super interesting NY Times article on this that analyzes this in more detail: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/19/style/tiktok-avoid-moderators-words.html

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I’m going goblin mode once winter break starts

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