MY ANGELS! Luce here - I'm about to board a flight from Austin to New Zealand (do you know they have live music in the ACTUAL AIRPORT HERE??? I don't wanna come home.) Anyway, I've missed you, and I can't wait to be truly home in your inbox on Tuesday (Monday is reserved for dealing with jet lag and observing the Queen.)In the meantime, we've pulled our gorgeous gorgeous Liv away from her usual Saturday Culture Vulture newsy (sorry) and into the big old daily to talk to you all about HOW WE CAME TO MEET FINNEAS (not to be confused with the one with the sibling called Ferb - his sibling is actually called Billie) AND WHAT WE CHATTED ABOUT!Finneas is coming home (I say home because he loves New Zealand and vows to one day make it his home) to play at Laneway (along with Phoebe Bridgers and HAIM 🤯🤯) next year in January and we couldn’t be more excited.That’s all from me - I adore you, and I desperately miss talking to you every day, but for now... take it away Liv!!!
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✨How We Became Besties With Finneas ✨
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MY ANGELS! Luce here - I'm about to board a flight from Austin to New Zealand (do you know they have live music in the ACTUAL AIRPORT HERE??? I don't wanna come home.) Anyway, I've missed you, and I can't wait to be truly home in your inbox on Tuesday (Monday is reserved for dealing with jet lag and observing the Queen.)In the meantime, we've pulled our gorgeous gorgeous Liv away from her usual Saturday Culture Vulture newsy (sorry) and into the big old daily to talk to you all about HOW WE CAME TO MEET FINNEAS (not to be confused with the one with the sibling called Ferb - his sibling is actually called Billie) AND WHAT WE CHATTED ABOUT!Finneas is coming home (I say home because he loves New Zealand and vows to one day make it his home) to play at Laneway (along with Phoebe Bridgers and HAIM 🤯🤯) next year in January and we couldn’t be more excited.That’s all from me - I adore you, and I desperately miss talking to you every day, but for now... take it away Liv!!!