Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

I would also like to point out that Chappell made that statement in June, which was well over a month before Biden dropped out and Kamala announced her candidacy for president. While her statement may still stand and be relevant, this was pre-Kamala presidency campaign.

Also two things can be true - she can feel that neither side represent the policies/matters that are important to her and still vote for one over the other.

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more context - we love it 𓆩♡𓆪

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Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

I always get a sense of doom when an artist rises to popularity so quickly, because I know one mistake or bad wording will cause people to split on them. It’s like the whole of society has borderline personality disorder when it comes to celebrities and can only see them as all good or all bad. There’s a reason for the phrase, “the bigger they are, the harder they fall.”

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and it's mostly young women who this happens to!!!

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Almost always

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Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

I mean, Chappell hasn't been super vocal, but she has supported Gaza and made pro-Palestine views, and there are manyyy pro-Palestine voters who are choosing to vote third party or not vote at all. So that checks out. Also, people put too much weight on the political views of their fav celebrities (i am against celebrity culture, can u tell); it's almost like some people need Chappell to tell them who to vote for or they want her to endorse whoever they personally support. Chappell is a big advocate for trans rights, LGBTQ+ rights, etc., and I 100% agree with her that neither party will do these communities justice. She doesn't NEED to publicly endorse anyone and her fans turning on her now need to just take the statements she's made and make their own choices....

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Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

i have never heard a chappell song but i see her in the media a lot. i think she’s great and it makes me sad to see so much hate for her. i wouldn’t even call her quote a ‘blunder’ because she is speaking truthfully. i’m voting blue this year and every year as an american woman, but truth be told i do not rock with kamala harris. i think it’s sad that we live in a world where you will be seen as ‘not a true feminist/ally/lesbian/whatever’ just because you are not blindly worshipping your parties candidate.

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Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

it's really sad that so many people feel like they have to vote blue everytime, just to keep most of their rights. the two party system sucks.

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Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

It definitely does, in the sense that they’re honestly not left leaning enough for me most of the time…sucks that it feels like we have to just accept what dems are willing to give

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right!! and like you touched on in your earlier comment, although dems seem like the best choice for people, it doesn't mean dems can just automatically get your votes every four years without some criticism! We must alwayssss criticise our elected officials when they don't do enough - they are supposed to represent us, ofc!

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Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

100% with you on this!! Like I’m going to always vote democrat independent of who is running on the other side, but I think we are allowed to ask for more from our candidates. The party loves to hold it over younger voters’ heads whenever we offer reasonable criticisms of current nominees or people in office, like they’re a little too complacent always counting on our vote. You still have to EARN it!!

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To some of those of us outside USA, the two-party, first past the post but votes by state based on representative numbers allocated some 300 years ago system, doesn't seem very democratic at all. If I have understood it correctly. I think you have the odd Independent and a few small parties but probably considered wasted votes?

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Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

*takes mental note to add this to my turning pop-culture into creative fuel newsletter next week*

But on a real note thank you so much for posting this story. Stories are so nuanced and Chappell is an easy target since she's already so outspoken and apt to draw boundaries. I hate that they're using it for clicks (but hey, that's the internet, I guess).

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ugh, i am so over young women being the easy targets!! you're right!!

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Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

A year ago no one would have cared who she endorsed. She didnt plan or ask to be shot to high fame during an election year. People need to stop caring who celebs endorse anyways its just gossip. If anyone is confusing who she may vote for then thats on them because its not like she would ever endorse trump on any planet. Its a damned if you do damned if you dont scenario. But people are way too quick to judge and support info taken entirely out of context. Its a societal problem. Not a Chappell problem.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

I love that you wrote on this! It's not even just the discourse bait from Pop Crave and company on Twitter, I've been seeing general media publications like Billboard and Good Morning America clipping quotes from Chappell Roan without the full context ever since she put out her videos on fan boundaries. It feels like they're trying to craft a narrative of her being "bratty" or "always complaining about fame." There's so much positivity in her work and even in those very same interviews so it sucks when I open the comment section and its full of people who say they don't even know who she is, but already don't like her. She's just starting out and people are so eager to drag her down.

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seeing traditional media jump on this 2016 clickbait bandwagon is soooo depressing ˙◠˙

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Sep 24Liked by shit you should care about

I feel so so bad for Chappell…she’s been having a HARD time since becoming famous so quickly, and of course certain celeb news/social media is doing what they do best to a successful woman (and queer icon!). The nit picking is just exhausting at this point. End of the day, I literally don’t care what off hand comment someone made at a random show/interview, whatever. Chappell is making amazing strides for the queer community and is the gay icon we desperately need rn!

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I firmly believe that the same people calling her out for not endorsing either would also call her out for endorsing Harris because the democrats aren't much better than the republicans when it comes to Palestine. It's ridiculous that women in the spotlight have this expectation of not only talking about politics but having the 'correct' take while their male counterparts don't. Considering what she's going through, I hope Chappell is taking care of herself at the moment.

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The first thing I looked up when I started to see how the videos of Chappell making rounds was her age. To me this all sound like someone who's still young, rose to fame really suddenly and has no PR training whatsoever. I can't say I agree with her on everything but people are being way to angry at her. Let her live. Overall she's trying to do good

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Listen. That denim shit is real talk,and I’m here for it. Two things: you’re repping denim AND saving the goddamn planet one pedal-stroke at a time. And while Roan is pushing gay punk vibes, I sure as hell dig you’re pointing out she is a free thinking so and so who isn’t appropriating anything that wasn’t already on the fire sale rack outside the goddamn vintage store in the hip part of town. For fucksake- where do you think the gays got it? Thanks for standing up and being real, and as always, for the art.

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