Not to crush people’s theories, but every royal photo undoubtedly gets edited, and this was probably just poorly done. It also may likely be an old photo edited to look newer, but in terms of the “disappearance”- ABDOMINAL SURGERY IS MAJOR! IT TAKES FOREVER TO RECOVER FULLY WITHOUT ANY COMPLICATIONS! In all likelihood, Kate is probably just taking extra time to recover, or she may have had some sort of minor complication that lengthened her recovery. I think this is all people really underestimating how long it takes a person to recover from such a major surgery lol

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this is where you should ABSOLUTELY crush people's theories xxxxxxx

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Might even be dear ol' auto-correct by ancient Picture Manager (I still use the 2010 version, works a treat) :-)

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OMG My brother races one of these boats too - I completely understand the obsession

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OMG i love this

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1. When I heard 'abdominal surgery', I assumed she was having a hysterectomy, so weeks of recuperation, assuming there were no issues. Plus who wouldn't manipulate photos that are going to be shown to the actual world AND picked apart obsessively?!

2. I say 'ladybird', but sing 'ladybug' as in https://youtu.be/vX9J7WcYtxI?feature=shared 😍

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May the unknown haunt our Willy Wonka dreams forever xoxo

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I saw something about her having Crohn's disease and having to have a resection or something like that. She's probably taking steroid medication, which would cause the face swelling shown in the car photo. The picture with the kids was probably manipulated to show her looking perfectly normal and healthy. Hope she's better soon!

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