I always wear flip flops in communal showers. I don’t need HPV or athletes foot. I’ve got enough problems

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ur so real for this bestie

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i do really think that court case was really interesting, like why is binge drinking and lewd conversation a “fun” team building exercise or the only/mandatory team/hangouts (which despite being mandatory rarely composite people for their time), like my idea of fun is like a board game night not going to a venue where it’s to loud to have a conversation and everybody is wasted.

my mother recently had to leave her work for similar dynamics in which she was told she had no choice but to attend “team bonding trips” which included nights out or full international holidays but were exclusively company members only and came with the expectation of binge drinking, excessive alcohol and partying and contained no team-building/management development (and she was basically told when quitting that she was ruining her boss’ fun ‘girls trip’ by having asked for an alternative to attending and setting boundaries when she told somebody she did not want to be friends she wanted to maintain their professional working relationship -despite it being a work trip lmao)

while partying and alcohol are fun, for people like my mother who choose not to drink often, or others like myself where I don’t like drinking while out and being neurodivergent find loud crowded environments stressful, it’s a bit upsetting to feel peer pressured to attend “social” events whether for work or general life where if you don’t want to get stay out until late hours of the night, behave wild, lewd and drink excessively you get excluded or punished socially as a buzzkill or bad coworker. shouldn’t mandatory group bonding experiences especially in a work environment 1. have at least some level of professionalism/healthy work culture 2. be accessible to all members 3. actually have the goal of team-bonding

TLDR; there are so many reasons people don’t drink or party and it often feels or is an expectation of adult work and social life, and I just feel like they could be replaced one in a while with a brunch or something, like i’m glad others enjoy partying but it shouldn’t have to be the only way to “bond” with coworkers

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Imagine going back to the office after taking your work to court for that

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me voting 'yes' as if i remember the one time ive been camping that was ages ago hehehe-

also i might be entering my 1975 era bc of luce 🙈 i've only listened to about you and holy sh*t their vocals are SO GOOD

i am totally going to marathon being funny in a foreign language and a brief inquiry into online relationships tonight and my bff is going to hate having to be up to listen to my commentary

(and as the person who always opts out of drinks after work - i am def using that as an excuse now)

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omg i am so glad u took so much from this edish!!! PS enter ur 1975 era with me, it's hellish and fun all at once

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Your poll needed to ask the question do you ever go camping lols. I avoid it like the plague. Need my home comforts. I love love being a Bestie by the way and I am 56 years old.

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you're such a bestie!!! and do u wanna know a secret?? 4 of us were actually in a cabin 💀

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It’s still camping if there’s no private bathroom in the cabin. 😋

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sorry that is so long but i have had so many thoughts on that issue, especially as an Australia with our excessive drinking culture being so normalised

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tbh I don’t shower while camping bc I’m ✨nasty✨ but I prob would wear flip flops if the ground was rough and uncomfortable 🥴

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i am unwell. deleting tiktok. 🥲

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no i LITERALLY cannot handle it

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Considering Matty Healys power in this situation, isn't it a bit questionable to kiss a fan on stage? Knowing also that they have strong feelings towards him and he doesn't know them and will probably never see them ever again, but they're following him and have a sort of relationship with him. I think I'd feel used.

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Absolutely. 100%

I'm really shocked this is being hyped up on here.

It's gross. Really gross. Power dynamics are completely out of whack and it's a weird publicity thing.

You cant properly concent in this set up.

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Life right now is an emotional rollercoaster and I can't reach the brakes until Christmas break starts

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i can’t believe i’m just now discovering Luce and this amazing ✨shit you should care about! ✨ i’m obsessed with you i think! can’t wait to tune in daily.

also can we talk about how gorg this lucky SMOOCHED girl is?! i don’t think i could sleep for weeks and would probably enter a quarter-life crisis thinking nothing could ever top that absolute PEAK OF EXISTENCE! Ah, to be her.

So excited for tomorrow’s read, and the next HAHA. 🤣🫶🏼

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ALSO - if you don’t wear shoes into ANY public shower i am SCARED FOR YOU.

if anything wET/slimy/sticky/cold touches my feet, my entire body LEAVES MY SKIN JUST JUMPS OUT OF IT

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