Jun 12, 2023Β·edited Jun 13, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

I loved Rookie Mag. Their playlists were awesome and I was always sad that nothing as cool existed when I had been a teen.

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Literally everything I've ever seen or heard about NZ is super positive and lovely, idk who this guy is but even I know he's wrong and I've never been there

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It didn’t miss me that you are 25 and the kid who started that FB group probably doesn’t find you funny, based on his own designation of when people become old. I’m twice that now. So you’re still funny to me.

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If you plug into social media and all you read is Linkedin posts and Stuff, then yes...helluva whiny country. Fortunately for the remainder of us who don't give a shit about social, NZ is THE best country to live in and raise kids....if only it was more affordable, had better education, embraced biculturism including the road signs...lol...maybe it is a little whiny.

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Everything that comes out of Luxon’s mouth is a dog whistle- when he’s not saying the quiet part out loud. If he really wanted β€˜more ambition and aspiration’ he’d be trying to end poverty like the Greens, so that all our tamariki have the same chance of building a good life as him and his pale, stale, male mates. But we can’t possibly have *poor* people or *people who aren’t white* getting a fair crack. He’s a sad, racist bigot.

OK, so I have a lot of feelings about National and ACT and the possibility of them forming the next government. Apologies.

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Blenheim has that effect when you come back, walking down by the river on a sunny winters day is the best, so glad you enjoy your trips back to Blenheim

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