Thank you for changing to substack! I thought about suggesting it to you a couple of times, but I didn't want to tell you how to run your business. And amazing job converting everyone over without us all having to sign up again. 🥰
Have you changed ur nickname because this email came from “Luce 🦄” and now I’m panicking that every email I’ve ever sent has come from the nickname I’ve set with Siri
Love love love that you’re on Substack now! Now my only three newsies are on the same platform! (You amazing humans, Emily Writes, and David Farrier 🥰)
My husband is a below the knee amputee. He has to fly first bc of the space issues with getting his leg on and off. Think about how tight your shoes feel if you leave them off the majority of the flight and then you put them back on. He has to deal with that with a prosthetic leg. I help him as much as I can, but he has spoiled me.
Thank you for changing to substack! I thought about suggesting it to you a couple of times, but I didn't want to tell you how to run your business. And amazing job converting everyone over without us all having to sign up again. 🥰
What a gorg comment!!! Love u and how much u respect this thing 🖤🖤🖤
Omg MADE MY MORNING to see you move to Substack! Now all my fav newsies are on here (SYSCA, Emily Writes, Webworm, and the Spinny ones too)
Eeeek so glad we could play a part in making your mornings a lil easier!!! 💘💘💘
Yes to this! So great to have all my internet besties in one place.
Have you changed ur nickname because this email came from “Luce 🦄” and now I’m panicking that every email I’ve ever sent has come from the nickname I’ve set with Siri
HAHAHA yes it came thru as a v personal “Luce” because im still figuring this new platty out!! Sorry for the morning panic, love u xx
Love love love that you’re on Substack now! Now my only three newsies are on the same platform! (You amazing humans, Emily Writes, and David Farrier 🥰)
LOVE to have made ur mornings/ evenings/ whenev u read this thing a lil easier!!
I like it, I hope it didn’t cost to much?
nothing at all!! Plus I would sell the shirt off my back to talk to u all every morning - u know that 🥺🥺🥺
ayy i love this website/format!! thank you for a great newsie again Luce xx
Love you angel!!!!
Representing the middle seat stans in the comments... quickest access to the exit/restroom 🫡
Shoot I meant aisle 😭
i read this newsletter while sitting on a plane!!! i was in an aisle seat but the window seat next to me was empty 😌
Of course!
Love that you changed to substack! It's more engaging in a way.
That’s all I hoped for! Xxx
woooHOO YAY to substack!!!!
Moving on up!!!
Just wanted to say I love the new newsy format/layout! Way more of a vibe!!
On that poll, it doesn't matter which seat, as long as it's first class.
My husband is a below the knee amputee. He has to fly first bc of the space issues with getting his leg on and off. Think about how tight your shoes feel if you leave them off the majority of the flight and then you put them back on. He has to deal with that with a prosthetic leg. I help him as much as I can, but he has spoiled me.
Omg Eloise!!!! This is everything!! I LOVE U WAY TOO MUCH