it's so refreshing having a corner of the internet that allows nuance and critical thinking skills to be fostered. I am a tired old millennial who has seen cancel culture progress into deeper and deeper depths of irrationality since it began. we now get fed snippets that are curated to rise negative emotion in us and it works. then we feel the need to signal how good we are in comparison to how bad the ✨️thing✨️ is. it's one of my least favourite things about being online. holding several contradicting ideas in your mind about a situation or person is a skill set and one that is required to live in such a complex society with complex humans, frankly.

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i got you! feel like it's so important to learn al of what you just talked about!!

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🕺 berries and cream, berries and cream, i'm a little lad who loves berries and cream 🕺

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I always love that you have nuanced takes when it comes to these things, it's super refreshing to come to this part of the internet and just be able to think about an issue or topic, to not be expected to have a definitive answer of whether someone is a good or bad person. The world isn't just black and white, grey areas exist and it's not fair at all on individuals to be expected to suddenly drop all positive feelings and associations for someone because of accused bad behavior. I'm interested to see where the Lizzo case will go, and hopefully it's a positive outcome for all involved

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love u sm xxxxx

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