Bel making me sob on the first day of December... it was inevitable anyway. I’m totally a grinch, I never was as a child but now that I’m 20 and my closest sister (who was pretty much my mum) lives in Hawaii with her own family, it’s hard and the nostalgic memories of xmas makes me miss her so xmas will never be the same as it was. December also tends to be a month full of anxiety for me because no matter how hard I try to train myself for the comments my uncles and aunties make about my body on xmas day every year, it still makes me feel like shit and is another reason why I’m a bit of a grinch these days lol. For those who can relate, I feel you 🤎

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I sobbed when I read it to! Sending you all the love, always. Grinch gals, together x

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Oh my heart! I feel u Catherine 💘💘

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Fuck the body comments! I hate that so much 😭

You know it's their problem though, right? It is. You're great

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i LOVE that Jacinda doesn't put up with sexist questions, like when Mark Richardson asked her if she was planning to have a baby when she was first running for PM

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I don’t know where Bel is but maybe an explainer for those of you NOT in NZ (& maybeAustralia) that literally the whole country shuts down in NZ (well except retail but like most jobs) at Christmas for like 10 days because a) it’s summer and b) the 25/26 Dec and 1/2 Jan are public holidays and move if they are on weekends so including weekends you can get 10 days off of an office job but only taking 3 days vacation between 27-31 Dec (because at least 2 of those days are a weekend).

Anyway, this always adds to the Christmas pressure I reckon because it’s a sprint to do every work thing PLUS shopping PLUS grocery shopping (because grocery stores closed on 25 Dec) PLUS travel to family if needed PLUS pack for the inevitable weeks vacation you are starting on the 26th. And if my family, trying to schedule in Christmas Day, or multiple “Christmas dinner catchup” events with various sides over the week before. Stress! But the flip side is, after that sprint, there is a glorious week (or two) where the only scheduled event is going to the beach and a New Years Eve party (maybe on the beach too).

Anyway, I agree with Bel, it’s a total crazy time. Have myself made it much easier by agreeing with family “no presents” because we are all grown ups with jobs who generally buy stuff we want anyway - so only buy for the little kids. That way all I have to bring to Christmas is a little baking and perhaps a salad, and life is a lot more relaxed. We just get to enjoy each other’s company instead!

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Love this! Ily the soothing powers of a simple salad, nothing more, nothing less 🦋

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God you’re all gorgeous.

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as a christmas bitch i love my grinches bc i get to fill their souls with christmas cheer

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Bel putting words on the holidays makes me cry a little 🥲 never had the best time during Christmas as my family doesn’t always get along and it always feels like a burden to my parents to either go see family (which only consists of my aunt and her family and my grandma) or to host – I feel like it should be happy and positive but it’s definitely not the case, so there is a lot of pressure and apprehension!

The Christmas spirit definitely is related to the people we spent it with 🫠

Also just to put in my two cents, my love language is gift giving but no one knows how to make cute gifts to me and it can be upsetting haha

Anyway, something I do love is the lights in the streets, Christmas market with friends and honestly all the decorations in Paris!

Love u Luce 🫶🏻

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love you way too much xxxx

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Me clicking that link on myth of the 25 year old brain because I misread it as ‘Brian’ and thought ‘hmm that’s interesting I haven’t heard of any 25 yo Brian myths I’ll read on’ and then only realising when I was halfway through and still no mention of Brian that I read the word brain wrong. I’ll go back to sleep now 🥲

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I am 55yo and I schedule my crying, usually while driving (not in traffic)

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A drive cry is good because it looks like you’re in a movie and no-one annoys you by asking what’s wrong 🤗

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I love this

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Oh Bel, I hear ya. I find Christmas hard for a variety of reasons - many of them because they make me miss Mum. (Mum died many years ago). I don't hate it and I don't begrudge others loving it but it should be ok for me not to have a tree, or decorations and not feel giddy about Christmas songs in shops in November. I still socialise on the day, but have curated a day (over the years) that doesn't leave me completely drained. Big celebrations /holidays aren't for everyone and that's ok.

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Oof, I totally feel you! Love this, total mirror to you here 💘

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i always see oldER (non gen z or young millennials) people putting youngER people down for literally having emotions and EXPRESSING them, and I myself have experienced it numerous times, and it really makes me think about how they must have been brought up. if it wasn't obvious enough i'm sure it stems from an insecurity or fear to show their own emotions but like damn.. it's honestly sad. anyways, i'm just glad things are changing for the better and that emotions, a completely natural and healthy thing to have, are more commonly expressed in the day-to-day. it really does feel refreshing to see others that you can relate to and that we're (slowly) moving away from that picture perfect ideal we see on social media because at the end of the day everyone cries and it's nothing to be shameful about at all. <33

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Gah, I hope you're right it's changing. I'm an older millenial and always feel like the one who's 'too emotional' in my whānau. But I just feel like I'm being respectfully direct, emotionally honest, good boundaries, all that! My parents would rather I was a happy robot and it drives me fukn nuts

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i cry about my pets dying at least three times a week, and their both YEARS away (hopefully!!) from leaving

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I used to not cry a lot (like from vids and stuff) but it’s picked up now. Every month I basically have a random cry session in my car and feel so much better after. Sometimes I just can’t function if I’m holding in a cry session

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I love this intel! And I agree 100000000%

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Also I found THE BEST vid about the F1 news. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRCguYe7/

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Ok, so I'm a zennial can someone fill me in on who it was that kissed someone on stage? A band singer I gather but what band I'm so lost! Hahahahaha

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Matty Healy from The 1975

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Ollie u got my back I love u

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Ooohhhhh, I don't like them, no wonder I was so lost!

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Oh Binotto - he made a damn good car and got the team 'mostly' back in the game. (Forget about strategy!) Will miss his wild hair. Grazi grazi x

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I'll miss him too!!!!

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I'm obsessed that you add F1 news to the newsy!! I feel so sad for Mattia. I mean I think it makes sense, Ferrari haven't had a great last few years and ultimately it falls on the team principles head, but I'm still sad. Spicy news that maybe (almost def?) Fred Vasseur will take over...

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I owe it to all of you to talk about every single obsession I have in the newsy xxx

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Please keep the F1 news coming!!! Love it

Sad for Mattia, but after they lost so much this year on bad strategy calls, something big had to change

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Love Bel’s piece about Christmas, I try to resist it less, which is my way to manage. Because in truth I’m not a huge fan of forced fun that pushes people into debt (aren’t I cheery) but in the past, full on trying to shut it out and pretend it doesn’t exist just pushed me further into SAD (uk here). All that pressure for perfection and adverts with 30 people around a table when in reality you spend the day with the same couple of people you always live with and reflect on all the family that have let you down over the years. It’s all just a bit much- bring on NYE 🥂

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Grinch here! For all the reasons Bel pointed out, and also because sometimes I enjoy being a contrarian.

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