Speaking as a Gen Z-er from Tumblr, I have to say that I'm SO unenthused about the whole 'zepotha' thing (it's basically knock-off Goncharov), but hey, whatever floats your boat😂👌 (and I am *certainly* not here to dunk on the 80s horror aesthetic, I do have some taste😎👩🏻‍🎤🧟‍♀️)

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Dropping in on the most important part of the newsletter: Taylor Swift X (and) Harry Styles!

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As someone who has (have? 🧐) been going to university in an other continent (+5 years), I relate very much with Bel’s chime. And every time you believe you’ll get used to it but you don’t really. Every time you wish you could stay a little longer but yet feel exited to go back. And one day, both places feel like home and you cry when you leave them.

This is going to be the most overwhelming experience of your lives, in both a good and bad way. I wish you both to enjoy and learn from this amazing experience ahead 🫶🏼

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Love Bel’s chime! I’m moving cross country for school next week and relate so much. Nice to hear from someone else going through a big move⭐️

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I want to write a big thumbs up for the work in suing Montana. What’s next?

I’m an old lady, I marched against the war,

Civil Rights, you guys have a big job.

The courts are the right way.

I thought GenZ was all about just making rules that make everyone uncomfortable when the house is burning down, butI was totally wrong.

Damned good work!!

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The way all of Yesly’s TikTok videos now all have comments about her looking like Zepotha is unreal 🤣🤣🤣. Sometimes, mob mentality is not so terrible 🤪

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