Feb 8Liked by shit you should care about

Thank you so much for this piece! People clearly have an eagerness to acquiring more knowledge and knowing how TikTok easily assists this need, I get why we have those “I read an article = you saw a TikTok” moment. Having a radio show has forced me to continuously rely on journalism and academia so it has become a habit to interact with verified information. However, I have a nasty screen time and like stated in this post, the information on TikTok just finds me. Now, I think what can help is creating an actual, real community that seeks knowledge beyond algorithms. For me, that means going to conferences and panels in my city or at the university I graduated from, connecting with community leaders and keeping up with their activities and prioritizing reading books (which is a newer commitment!! Currently reading Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall). It requires effort but it is so worth it!

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yes!!! ok 100000% to all of this - doing this job means that i am CONSTANTLY fact checking all the things that FIND ME online, and i can’t help but wonder how hard it must be to discern real from fake for people who don’t HAVE to do that (because it’s not their job.)

Also obsessed with the tips u dropped that helped you (AND THE BOOK REC)

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Not about this piece; but I really think one of yall should do a piece on Cecilia Gentilli, trans activist, author, actress, you name it she’s done it, who just passed away in New York this week. She was a young 52, and gone way before her time. The community is reeling. I think you would have an honor of a time researching her and I just think more of the world deserves to know who she is and was and the legacy she’s left. I’m grieving, thousands if not millions of us have been inspired by her and it would mean a lot to see her honored here.

I know this isn’t something you necessarily do but it is big news here in nyc this week. You’ll already find articles I published about her ♥️

A lot of love to you for even reading this

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I 100% agree that a good practice is to fact check what you see, especially if it's about news. I think it's a consequence of celebrity death hoaxes on Facebook back in the 2000s that I never believe things unless multiple outlets are saying it. TikTok can be a great tool to learn about what's happening, but people need to have the info lit skills to be able to verify what they're being told

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Excellent article.

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I loved this point, I have never thought about it that way! "but when we’re incidentally exposed to it, we aren’t in the position to give it that attention." Like we're way more likely to spread misinformation because we weren't looking for it so didn't spend the time on checking it. Such a good point, and just like you I do not know how to begin to change it. I don't have a Tik Tok, but I watch ones people send me (let them do the work yknow?) :P

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