Wind screen wipers on the fastest setting

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Spelling your name for someone and then having to re-spell it coz they keep getting it wrong

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The second hand cringe I got from reading this along side of relieving every single time this has happened to me is the shot of adrenaline I didn’t know Id get this morning

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Typing while someone is watching your screen

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I cried from embarrassment reading all of these to my husband 🤣

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When you knock on the bathroom door and it’s occupied… I try to move as far away as possible so the occupier doesn’t come out and see it was me that knocked 🥹

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omggggg such a good list. i was out on my own at a shopping centre the other day and had to re-tie my shoelaces as they’d come undone on one shoe. WHY DID IT FEEL LIKE I WANTED THE GROUND TO SWALLOW ME

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Im dying to know what ur most embarrassing story is luce

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Ive done at least five of these things this week and it's only Tuesday

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Posting literally anything on social media

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I don’t get embarrassed by much anymore, but walking a very similar speed to someone in public bothers me a lot 😂 why does my brain assume they think I’m stalking them. Then you have to speed up and keep that speed… 😪

Also first getting on a treadmill at the gym

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Asking for a refund for something, that is wrong outside of your control…

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when the elevator arrives and you expect it to be empty but it's not

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walking out the door and passing by a waiting uber/taxi

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Sitting down to eat at a restaurant then after looking over the menu deciding you can't eat here and having to walk out just as the server has brought the table waters

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