Today we weep, tomorrow we organize. Mutual aid, community movements, and ensuring liberation for all, not just some. But today is to rage and scream and cry, and feel the crushing weight of what has just happened. Sending love to all, this affects us all— whether you think so or not.
i am not even american but i feel so affected by that, so i can even imagnine what (smart) americans must feel. They just condemn, not only their country, but also palestinians, ukrainians, women's rights, and soo more and i just can't understand how people can be that dumb, like how can you vote for Trump after everything he did and everything he said. I don't even understand how he was allowed to compete as president. All of this make me sick and i'm so sorry for american and especially women, black people and lgbt people.
sorry if there's gramatical or orthographic error, english is not my first langage and i'm in a bit of a rush.
And the people that voted for him are our loved ones and friends. No matter how much we try to convince them of how dire this situation is, they just boast about how much bigger their paychecks are going to be. I’m so confused on how this is happening so fast.
Thier stupid enough to believe a billonare who only cares about who can put money into his pockets. I hope he BURNS it all down & teach these stupid people a lesson!!!
Jenny— I'm late to this conversation . . . Your comment strikes a serious chord with me. I have friends and family that I can't even talk to yet. I'm unsure if I'll ever want to have a relationship with them again.
thank you ♡ had to go to sleep thinking I might wake up to dome better news. It's hard for me to understand, and the little girl (and woman) in me is mourning what could have been an opportunity to see myself in the highest political position in my country. I just feel so sick and defeated.
Knowing that in the United States, if you’re a convicted felon, you legally cannot vote, you lose that right, and you lose such a large number of jobs you can apply for. But now, our country, decided that we’re ok with him, a convicted felon, once again, to be our President. This is nauseating how many rights are about to be stripped away through the Project 25 initiative.
No. It's called tearany, hatred and racism. America has elected to be all it used to stand against, and now we will all pay the price for our selfishness. Not just the USA but the entire world.
What I’m worried about most is everything in Project 2025 getting put into place. I know it hasn’t happened, but it’s much more likely to now. I’m a librarian and a member of the LGBTQ+. I would be labeled as a sex offender for having any books that have same-sex couples in them.
I’ve read the document itself. But listen, I’m not sure if you’re trying to make me angry or just want to argue with someone who doesn’t have the same views as you, but I’m afraid you’ll need to find someone else. I’m not replying to any more of your comments.
I'm not American but I feel exactly the same sentiment. I'm so sorry for all the Americans who will suffer for the next 4 years; Who will have a convicted felon as president that only ran because he was trying to avoid going to prison. He will destroy what you guys have built in the Biden administration or more. Project 2025? The world is watching in awe, how could this possibly happen the second time around? He will destroy education , womens right and those who are already down. Poor will become poorer. please fight for your children and kick him out of the white house. From a concerned Canadian.
this is exactly how i feel--i'm halfway across the world and i can't imagine how awful it must be there but god am i terrified everything america does affects us too, esp australia which just follows nearly everything america does 😭
I'm Canadian and for sure it will affect our economy as USs neighbor. It is already so expensive to live here, adding tariffs will cost us. Hope he doesn't escalate the wars around the globe and drag us all in. I'm so scared for the world, we barely managed to survive covid and we are still in recovery economically. ..
yeah i've been reading up on his foreign policy and it's looking awful; he doesn't know what he's doing. it must suck being in canada and i heard him talk about the tariffs, it sounds like he's going to fuck up the global economy even more
I no longer consider myself an American. I could not take the American flag that flew outside my home down fast enough. This is no longer America. I will not fly the American flag until the EVIL that is being released on this nation is driven back into the ROTTING, STINKING, BOWELS OF HELL from whence it came and belongs. I am now hostage of a hostile regime I am vehemently opposed to. I am not free to leave. My citizenship is here. Where could I go? Myself and all lovers of freedom and democracy will rail against this evil, and will NEVER accept what the voters of this country have unwittingly unleashed on our nation and the world. Sadly, those of us who heeded the BLARING warnings will have to endure the same consequences as those poor misguided voters. I’m sure there were very many fine and decent people who made this catastrophic choice, having been led as sheep to the slaughter to the ballot box, having been lied to and deceived by the likes of “Fox (FAKE!) News” “Newsmax” and the like. I’m sure many of them had no idea they had unwittingly cast their vote for such a twisted, evil man. A wicked, facist, racist, bigot, liar, abuser of women, INFIDEL! HOWEVER…. for the people who KNEW DAMN GOOD AND WELL WHO HE WAS AND WHAT HE REPRESENTED and chose to elect him as their Fuher, they must themselves be fellow bigots and racists… shame on them. For them I have no pity. I will not weep for them when they reap the bitter harvest of their choice. Right along with the rest of us. Thanks a lot. You could have just cut my heart out and let me bleed out in the street. It would have been quicker and by far, less painful. The thing that infuriates me more than ANYTHING else in this tragedy, this violent, savage RAPE of our nation, is how this vile movement (PURE FILTH!) masquerades as being “Christian!!” It is the very ANTITHESIS of Christian! Jesus is being made a mockery of and I’ll be DAMNED if I’m going to keep quiet about it!! Christians should be ashamed of themselves. I never could have dreamed in my worst nightmares something like this could happen in America. It’s absolutely SHAMEFUL. We have become a laughing stock among the nations of the world. I am ashamed to be called an American. So embarrassing!! Americans……WE. ARE. FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Vaseline, NOTHING!! But I won’t say “Told you so!” That will not be necessary. We will all bear witness to the death and destruction of our nation. I will have peace knowing I had no part in bringing it about. I tried to warn people as did countless others. People didn’t listen and now we are fucked.
Sharon, thank you. Every word you wrote resonates with me and sums up exactly what I’m feeling. I hate my country. I’m no longer an American, just a Californian.
Thank you, Michelle. There are a great many of us, dear. Must not forget that. I am a California native, but living in the deep south right in the midst of the hornets nest. We’re going to be all right. When I wrote that my rage was blinding. It’s still there, but I’m gonna have to do something constructive with it. God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.
A devastating outcome! I'm based in the UK and, like you, feel heartbroken for all the Americans who tried to do the right thing and are now trapped with a sexual predator and convicted felon as their president. What an awful message his election sends - and a huge step backwards for the world.
Angry that folks saw who he was for the past eight years and voted for him again - especially angry at my fellow women and people of color. Guess they'll have to learn things the hard way. Hope it's worth it for cheap groceries though!
Trump even LIED about being able to LOWER PRICES on everything & those IDIOTS voted for LIES upon LIES!!! Like I said earlier I HOPE he BURNS it all down!!! Teach everyone to VOTE for a man with NO MORALS!!!
I agree that Trump is not a good option for Palestine. Both of them are terrible. But the reason Trump won is because Harris refused to stop the genocide. And she was punished.
Harris would’ve continued the genocide if she won. Trump will continue the genocide. Palestine is fucked either way. Honestly, the US deserves another 9/11.
Today we weep, tomorrow we organize. Mutual aid, community movements, and ensuring liberation for all, not just some. But today is to rage and scream and cry, and feel the crushing weight of what has just happened. Sending love to all, this affects us all— whether you think so or not.
“This is not the end…. We have to continue to fight” - Jon Stewart
i am not even american but i feel so affected by that, so i can even imagnine what (smart) americans must feel. They just condemn, not only their country, but also palestinians, ukrainians, women's rights, and soo more and i just can't understand how people can be that dumb, like how can you vote for Trump after everything he did and everything he said. I don't even understand how he was allowed to compete as president. All of this make me sick and i'm so sorry for american and especially women, black people and lgbt people.
sorry if there's gramatical or orthographic error, english is not my first langage and i'm in a bit of a rush.
And the people that voted for him are our loved ones and friends. No matter how much we try to convince them of how dire this situation is, they just boast about how much bigger their paychecks are going to be. I’m so confused on how this is happening so fast.
Thier stupid enough to believe a billonare who only cares about who can put money into his pockets. I hope he BURNS it all down & teach these stupid people a lesson!!!
Jenny— I'm late to this conversation . . . Your comment strikes a serious chord with me. I have friends and family that I can't even talk to yet. I'm unsure if I'll ever want to have a relationship with them again.
This sets back rights for LGBTQ+ and women
We did the best we could, but hate triumphed today. Thank you for grieving with us 💙
thank you ♡ had to go to sleep thinking I might wake up to dome better news. It's hard for me to understand, and the little girl (and woman) in me is mourning what could have been an opportunity to see myself in the highest political position in my country. I just feel so sick and defeated.
I….am stressed. It’s 4 in the morning and I’m stressed🫥
Knowing that in the United States, if you’re a convicted felon, you legally cannot vote, you lose that right, and you lose such a large number of jobs you can apply for. But now, our country, decided that we’re ok with him, a convicted felon, once again, to be our President. This is nauseating how many rights are about to be stripped away through the Project 25 initiative.
Thank you for condolences, we truly need them.
Get a fucking grip 😂 it’s called democracy
you seem like you'd be fun at parties nick x
You're the one having an hysterical breakdown over nothing.
No. It's called tearany, hatred and racism. America has elected to be all it used to stand against, and now we will all pay the price for our selfishness. Not just the USA but the entire world.
For who? White boys like yourself with little dicks and big trucks?
no it's not. It's called dumb fucking uneducated Americans
What I’m worried about most is everything in Project 2025 getting put into place. I know it hasn’t happened, but it’s much more likely to now. I’m a librarian and a member of the LGBTQ+. I would be labeled as a sex offender for having any books that have same-sex couples in them.
As I said, it’s a part of Project 2025, not a law, but I fear it becoming one in the next four years.
I suspect you've never read anything about Project 2025.
You suspect wrong.
Reading rumors from Reddit doesn’t count.
I’ve read the document itself. But listen, I’m not sure if you’re trying to make me angry or just want to argue with someone who doesn’t have the same views as you, but I’m afraid you’ll need to find someone else. I’m not replying to any more of your comments.
I'm not American but I feel exactly the same sentiment. I'm so sorry for all the Americans who will suffer for the next 4 years; Who will have a convicted felon as president that only ran because he was trying to avoid going to prison. He will destroy what you guys have built in the Biden administration or more. Project 2025? The world is watching in awe, how could this possibly happen the second time around? He will destroy education , womens right and those who are already down. Poor will become poorer. please fight for your children and kick him out of the white house. From a concerned Canadian.
I really am sorry, especially to the women. The amount of aid funds, money raising that is about to be done for women will skyrocket.
this is exactly how i feel--i'm halfway across the world and i can't imagine how awful it must be there but god am i terrified everything america does affects us too, esp australia which just follows nearly everything america does 😭
I'm Canadian and for sure it will affect our economy as USs neighbor. It is already so expensive to live here, adding tariffs will cost us. Hope he doesn't escalate the wars around the globe and drag us all in. I'm so scared for the world, we barely managed to survive covid and we are still in recovery economically. ..
yeah i've been reading up on his foreign policy and it's looking awful; he doesn't know what he's doing. it must suck being in canada and i heard him talk about the tariffs, it sounds like he's going to fuck up the global economy even more
I'm an Aussie too, I already have a stomach bug making me nauseous.
Now I am not sure if it's because I'm already sick or because Trump won AGAIN that I have the horrid taste of vomit filling my mouth.
God bless America, they are gonna need it.
I no longer consider myself an American. I could not take the American flag that flew outside my home down fast enough. This is no longer America. I will not fly the American flag until the EVIL that is being released on this nation is driven back into the ROTTING, STINKING, BOWELS OF HELL from whence it came and belongs. I am now hostage of a hostile regime I am vehemently opposed to. I am not free to leave. My citizenship is here. Where could I go? Myself and all lovers of freedom and democracy will rail against this evil, and will NEVER accept what the voters of this country have unwittingly unleashed on our nation and the world. Sadly, those of us who heeded the BLARING warnings will have to endure the same consequences as those poor misguided voters. I’m sure there were very many fine and decent people who made this catastrophic choice, having been led as sheep to the slaughter to the ballot box, having been lied to and deceived by the likes of “Fox (FAKE!) News” “Newsmax” and the like. I’m sure many of them had no idea they had unwittingly cast their vote for such a twisted, evil man. A wicked, facist, racist, bigot, liar, abuser of women, INFIDEL! HOWEVER…. for the people who KNEW DAMN GOOD AND WELL WHO HE WAS AND WHAT HE REPRESENTED and chose to elect him as their Fuher, they must themselves be fellow bigots and racists… shame on them. For them I have no pity. I will not weep for them when they reap the bitter harvest of their choice. Right along with the rest of us. Thanks a lot. You could have just cut my heart out and let me bleed out in the street. It would have been quicker and by far, less painful. The thing that infuriates me more than ANYTHING else in this tragedy, this violent, savage RAPE of our nation, is how this vile movement (PURE FILTH!) masquerades as being “Christian!!” It is the very ANTITHESIS of Christian! Jesus is being made a mockery of and I’ll be DAMNED if I’m going to keep quiet about it!! Christians should be ashamed of themselves. I never could have dreamed in my worst nightmares something like this could happen in America. It’s absolutely SHAMEFUL. We have become a laughing stock among the nations of the world. I am ashamed to be called an American. So embarrassing!! Americans……WE. ARE. FUCKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Vaseline, NOTHING!! But I won’t say “Told you so!” That will not be necessary. We will all bear witness to the death and destruction of our nation. I will have peace knowing I had no part in bringing it about. I tried to warn people as did countless others. People didn’t listen and now we are fucked.
Sharon, thank you. Every word you wrote resonates with me and sums up exactly what I’m feeling. I hate my country. I’m no longer an American, just a Californian.
Thank you, Michelle. There are a great many of us, dear. Must not forget that. I am a California native, but living in the deep south right in the midst of the hornets nest. We’re going to be all right. When I wrote that my rage was blinding. It’s still there, but I’m gonna have to do something constructive with it. God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.
A devastating outcome! I'm based in the UK and, like you, feel heartbroken for all the Americans who tried to do the right thing and are now trapped with a sexual predator and convicted felon as their president. What an awful message his election sends - and a huge step backwards for the world.
Angry that folks saw who he was for the past eight years and voted for him again - especially angry at my fellow women and people of color. Guess they'll have to learn things the hard way. Hope it's worth it for cheap groceries though!
Trump even LIED about being able to LOWER PRICES on everything & those IDIOTS voted for LIES upon LIES!!! Like I said earlier I HOPE he BURNS it all down!!! Teach everyone to VOTE for a man with NO MORALS!!!
What a bunch of smug cry babies.
Blame Holocaust Harris for doing a genocide for over a year.
...I just don't understand this argument. Trump is not the better option for Palestine.
I agree that Trump is not a good option for Palestine. Both of them are terrible. But the reason Trump won is because Harris refused to stop the genocide. And she was punished.
Harris would’ve continued the genocide if she won. Trump will continue the genocide. Palestine is fucked either way. Honestly, the US deserves another 9/11.
I think you misspelled Netanyahu
Harris openly supported and armed Israel.