Please,please,please adopt an older,abandoned cat!They need love too and will repay you heaps.Take two,even.My ex stray has been the most loving of the twenty or so cats I've owned.
Just a suggestion in regards to cats - if you adopt a kitten, adopt 2! They don’t like being alone and can have behavioural issues when they grow older if they’ve been alone as kittens! (Source - my boyfriend, who’s been doing extensive research as we plan to adopt cats next year) ❤️
I used to have one cat a time growing up. Recently, I went to adopt a kitten with feline leukemia virus because they are more likely to be euthanized and less likely to be adopted. Anyway, the rescue asked me to please take both kittens because the remaining kitten would basically be left locked in a room alone for life (they can't intermingle with other, non FeLV cats for fear of spreading the virus). So reluctantly, I took 2 kittens AND IT'S BEEN THE BEST DECISION EVER. They entertain each other and are just so much happier than any of my solo cats previously. Plus, they seem to be less destructive of my things, probably because they are expending their energy playing with one another instead. I definitely recommend getting 2 cats!!!
I feel like christmas tree lights after decorating is a recipe for a tangled disaster! :O
In recent years we've tried kinda smooshing the lights back into the branches a little further rather than leaving them draped on the ends and you get a gorg tv-show-christmas-tree sort of effect. Makes it extra magical.
Hello! I live in Maine and I didn't know that the 3D house was in my state! Guess I should pay more attention! I've been trying harder to live more sustainably, reduce, reuse and recycle. It's hard to make the changes that we all should be thinking more and more about what our individual selves are doing to the planet. So much of the pollution is coiming from over-packaging of products - if THAT alone were fixed we could save billions of tons of plastic from being made and dumped into our environment! Great Substack! Thanks ! Ang
Can you adopt ex research lab animals in NZ? That's how I got my cat Willow here in Aus. She's 12 and the sweetest, most gentle and loving cat I've ever had. Highly recommend saving an older cat's life, especially ones that have only ever lived in a cage ❤
Either get a breed that is known for being affectionate, or get a kitten that you can train to be affectionate. Otherwise, having a cat is like having a really grouchy roommate who leaves messes all over the place, never does their chores, and doesn't contribute to the rent. 😸
my cat was returned to his mom’s family because his first family kept him in a cage and only took him out to play. i took him home for a trial run, but they said he was too scared to come to any people. he came and cuddled on my lap within 5 minutes of getting to my apartment.
I had a really crazy idea - what if you got people who went to Harry concerts to write a short segment about their experience? Just like one person gets chosen per concert and they write it for you
My third day had One direction headlining with the other bands being System of a Down, flogging molly, motley crue, and other similar punk/heavy bands 😂
OMG I love Joy Crookes! Don't come across many (actually any LOL) fans of hers in the social circles I'm in. Your festival lineup is beyond basic by having her alone :)
If only the tech bros put their energy into 3D printing houses instead of NFTs
Please,please,please adopt an older,abandoned cat!They need love too and will repay you heaps.Take two,even.My ex stray has been the most loving of the twenty or so cats I've owned.
Just a suggestion in regards to cats - if you adopt a kitten, adopt 2! They don’t like being alone and can have behavioural issues when they grow older if they’ve been alone as kittens! (Source - my boyfriend, who’s been doing extensive research as we plan to adopt cats next year) ❤️
I used to have one cat a time growing up. Recently, I went to adopt a kitten with feline leukemia virus because they are more likely to be euthanized and less likely to be adopted. Anyway, the rescue asked me to please take both kittens because the remaining kitten would basically be left locked in a room alone for life (they can't intermingle with other, non FeLV cats for fear of spreading the virus). So reluctantly, I took 2 kittens AND IT'S BEEN THE BEST DECISION EVER. They entertain each other and are just so much happier than any of my solo cats previously. Plus, they seem to be less destructive of my things, probably because they are expending their energy playing with one another instead. I definitely recommend getting 2 cats!!!
I feel like christmas tree lights after decorating is a recipe for a tangled disaster! :O
In recent years we've tried kinda smooshing the lights back into the branches a little further rather than leaving them draped on the ends and you get a gorg tv-show-christmas-tree sort of effect. Makes it extra magical.
Hello! I live in Maine and I didn't know that the 3D house was in my state! Guess I should pay more attention! I've been trying harder to live more sustainably, reduce, reuse and recycle. It's hard to make the changes that we all should be thinking more and more about what our individual selves are doing to the planet. So much of the pollution is coiming from over-packaging of products - if THAT alone were fixed we could save billions of tons of plastic from being made and dumped into our environment! Great Substack! Thanks ! Ang
Love you Ang!! You sound like an absolute angel!!! xx Kittens needing fostering/adopting from Auckland Cavy Care which is primarily a guinea pig rescue but has somehow found itself with a bunch of kittens!
Can you adopt ex research lab animals in NZ? That's how I got my cat Willow here in Aus. She's 12 and the sweetest, most gentle and loving cat I've ever had. Highly recommend saving an older cat's life, especially ones that have only ever lived in a cage ❤
omg this is the cutest thing, i would LOVE this
9 Lives Orphanage in Tāmaki Makaurau is an excellent place to look for kitteh adoption!
On cats:
Either get a breed that is known for being affectionate, or get a kitten that you can train to be affectionate. Otherwise, having a cat is like having a really grouchy roommate who leaves messes all over the place, never does their chores, and doesn't contribute to the rent. 😸
my cat was returned to his mom’s family because his first family kept him in a cage and only took him out to play. i took him home for a trial run, but they said he was too scared to come to any people. he came and cuddled on my lap within 5 minutes of getting to my apartment.
He knew you were safe & loving. ❤️❤️❤️
I found mine on the street eating out of a bin and no one claimed him so we kept him but he’s the most loving needy cat imaginable
would 100% attend shityoushouldcareaboutfest (elite taste) if only to see jon bellion live again - his shows are insaaaane ! xo
u should deffo try and get tickets whenever he next tours ! x
have seen him twice and honestly bby they were 2 of the best shows ever !!
dying of envy rn
I had a really crazy idea - what if you got people who went to Harry concerts to write a short segment about their experience? Just like one person gets chosen per concert and they write it for you
omg i would love to do a lil fandom corner where anyone could write their experiences!!!
My third day had One direction headlining with the other bands being System of a Down, flogging molly, motley crue, and other similar punk/heavy bands 😂
OMG I love Joy Crookes! Don't come across many (actually any LOL) fans of hers in the social circles I'm in. Your festival lineup is beyond basic by having her alone :)
The insta fest spotify playlist is pretty cool, thanks for sharing LUCE! :)
Of course bestie!!!!!