Sat on the bus testing all the ear blocking techniques

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rihanna was the only reason i watched the super bowl yesterday. do not care about football one bit. defs here for ri-ri’s concert.

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Omg so we’re all now one degree of separation away from the iconic creator of the bad hair day song!

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I carry earplugs so it makes blocking my ears a whole lot easier!

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Fun fact from your friendly audiologist: That "little flap thing" on your ear is called the tragus πŸ€“

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Feb 14, 2023Β·edited Feb 14, 2023

Watched for the first time (?) in its entirety the half-time show and ngl it slapped, danced around the living room (also gave me SW vibes- which IDC about anymore but if Riri was a Sith Lord, I'd surely joined the dark side). Thanks for sharing Luce and congrats to your primary school music teacher, hope the cyclone passes soon and you're all safe and sound in NZ

P.S. Thanks for not giving an f about Valentine's Day, I've been thinking a lot about amatonormativity today and how it affects us (not only aro-ace people but all of us) so I want to prioritize friends and family (and cats!) and everyone else that needs it and even more deserves to hear it, that they are valued and loved despite what the media and this stupid consumerist celebration makes us think. You aren't any less important than romantic partners in our lives (I'd appreciate it immensely if you could

post sth today or next week that is about Aromantic spectrum awareness week)πŸ’š

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omg I remember singing the ’lost property box’ song at school assembly πŸ˜† does anyone remember the β€˜sausages and custard’ song?!

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Gosh. Wow. I am split between the palm of my hands and pushing in the flappy thing. I guess it depends on how dramatic I need to be responding to offending sound. Are they sentient? Will they be able to see me to catch my drift?

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fratboyharry 😍

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Omg that sweary cyclone TikTok cracked me up and helped ease some storm fatigue πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

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Omg the lost property box song! Made me smile in my little world with no power down in the waikato! ❀️

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SO about the blocking ears thing, I discovered this a couple days ago, if you push on the outside of your ear there is this bit that when you push it lightly it blocks your ears FULLY. The bit is like a bump thing, and you push it, and then it blocks your ears, so that's how I block my ears now.

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