Elon Is Still A Big Baby 🍼
➕ A giant aquarium exploded, & when using a public toilet, do you sit directly on it, or hover over it? 🚽
Happy Monday angels!!!! So blessed to be back in ur inbox (and so blessed to be not hungover!!) First - a lot of you asked about the work xmas party - it was a TIME!!! For those of you who don’t know, we work in a big office building with The Spinoff, Daylight Creative and Hex Work Productions, so naturally we joined in on their Christmas party fun. We went to a bowls club which was… exactly as dated and wholesome as you expect (minus a few inappropriate comments from some of the older folk, but hey, the tax you pay for being a Woman in the World eh???) Our band played a 14-song set and it was VERY fun and VERY hilar to be playing a concert for all your workmates. The highlights for me were seeing Dunc (yes your beloved 🏀slam dunc🏀) leave everything on the dance floor to our Good 4 U/Misery Business cover & our See You Again (Miley Cyrus) cover, and sitting outside slightly stoned with Bel (yes, your Bel) and unpacking the entire day/ week/ year in a sweaty haze.
This weekend was very much a tie-up-loose-ends and catch-up-with-everyone type of weekend before I head home on Tuesday. I had friendsmas with my sistas on Friday night, a glorious walk/ brunch with Hayd and Flo on Saturday morning, bevvies and backgammon with one of my good buddies in the arvo, and then had a BIG phoenixing sesh with Bel on Sunday morning before coming home, obsessively cleaning the bathroom and kitchen, & packing my bags to go home. A dream! How was your weekend? Are you winding down? Are you winding up? Let me know!! 💌
Elon was a Big Baby over the weekend
New episode of The Shit Show!
New York Bans Sale of Dogs, Cats and Rabbits in Pet Stores
A giant aquarium in Berlin exploded
When using a public toilet, do you sit directly on it, or hover over it?
Elon was a Big Baby over the weekend
I know what you’re thinking - ‘what’s new luce???’ BUT this weekend Elon took being petty to a whole new level by suspending a whole bunch of journalists AND basically disabling the whole ‘Spaces’ (kinda like a live podcast/ clubhouse-esque) feature because he joined one and couldn’t handle the heat.
As I said, this latest round of babyness all kinda started when Elon/ Twitter suspended the accounts of some prominent journos like:
Ryan Mac of The New York Times, CNN’s Donie O’Sullivan, The Washington Post’s Drew Harwell, The Intercept’s Micah Lee, and Mashable’s Matt Binder, Aaron Rupar, and Tony Webster.
The reason for their suspension, according to Elon, was that they had “doxxed” him, by tweeting about the ElonJet account (you might remember Squish and I talking about this account on The Shit Show - it basically tracks the whereabouts of Elon’s private jet.)
Musk has long had issue with the location of his private jet being shared in real time. At one point, he went so far as to offer thousands of dollars to the manager of the @ElonJet account to take it offline. On Wednesday, he implied in a tweet that the account had been used by a “crazy stalker” to find and climb on the hood of a car carrying one of his children. (It is unclear how the location of the jet led to a car.) He then tweeted a video of the alleged stalker and his license plate with the caption: “Anyone recognize this person or car?”
Note: The flight data of his private jet is publically accessible to anyone.
The suspension of these journalists was actually condemned by both the EU and the UN, as well as governments:
"Media freedom is not a toy," the UN's under secretary general Melissa Fleming said. "A free press is the cornerstone of democratic societies and a key tool in the fight against harmful disinformation." EU commissioner Vera Jourova had threatened Twitter with sanctions under Europe's new Digital Services Act which she said requires "the respect of media freedom and fundament rights".
As of today, the journalists have been reinstated (after Elon ran a poll asking if he should reinstate them lol) but what a BIZARRE world we are living through rn.

UPDATE: He just suspended journo Taylor Lorenz bc he’s a really Big Baby.

New episode of The Shit Show!
This week Squish and I described all the latest breakthroughs in science (like nuclear fusion and a potential cancer cure??) in words you ACTUALLY understand - duh!!! Tune in wherever you get your pods!
New York Bans Sale of Dogs, Cats and Rabbits in Pet Stores
The state of New York just passed a law banning “the sale of dogs, cats and rabbits in pet stores. The move is an attempt to halt the puppy-mill-to-pet-store pipeline and stop abusive breeders.” While it won’t take effect until 2024, New York Governor Kathy Hochul says:
“I'm proud to sign this legislation, which will make meaningful steps to cut down on harsh treatment and protect the welfare of animals across the state.”
A giant aquarium in Berlin exploded
Speaking of pets (kind of) a huge aquarium in Berlin exploded in the weekend, spilling a million litres of water, killing hundreds of fish, and injuring two people. It’s called the “Aquadom’ and it’s known as “the largest free-standing cylindrical aquarium in the world,” being home to 1500 fish.

Despite a fake tweet circulating that the Berlin police were looking for a ‘suspect’ behind the explosion, a police source has said that there is no evidence to suggest that this was a targetted attack (I guess you could say that there’s nothing ‘fishy’ going on here.) There HAS however been speculation that the freezing temperatures may have caused a crack in the tank.
Today’s mundane poll:
And finally:
Science popped OFF this week! (The Shit Show Podcast)
The Biggest Pop Culture Moments of 2022 (Culture Vulture Podcast)
After 65 Years, the ‘Boy in the Box’ Has a Name (The New York Times)
Why does "Media freedom is not a toy" sound like Dwight saying "Identify theft is not a joke" 💀💀💀
I would like to offer a third option on the poll: do you sit on the toilet AFTER you put a protective layer of toilet paper over it OR disinfected it