Why does "Media freedom is not a toy" sound like Dwight saying "Identify theft is not a joke" 💀💀💀

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I would like to offer a third option on the poll: do you sit on the toilet AFTER you put a protective layer of toilet paper over it OR disinfected it

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There's also: exactly how gross is this bathroom? Sometimes it's not bad so I sit. Sometimes it's too gross and I don't want to touch anything so I hover and then flush with my shoe

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It’s really bad for your pelvic floor to hover! And public toilets are not as gross as you’d think, just give it a little wipe if you would like!

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Elon is putting on a masterclass on how to dismantle the illusion of meritocracy, his own grandiose brand, and the idea of billionaire greatness and benevolence. Of course, many will live in denial because that would undermine many other logical underpinnings of capitalism. And if Elon is a fraud who really isn't saving humanity, then what does that say about other oligarchs? Why do we give them so much money and power then? If the people in charge are clowns and grifters, then we should be losing confidence in this economic order.


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This whole topic is laughable and sad at the same time. To begin, the Ukrainian government issued a bounty on Elon. Not sure the dollar amount, but they have billions of dollars to spend on killing him or his family. Machiavellian principles apply. Now people hate him because he took over the bastion of woke ideology known as Twitter and opened it back up to conservatives while still letting any lefty’s to remain on the platform. Not satisfied with this state of current affairs, the US, the EU and the mothafuckin’ World Economic Forum had to step in and make numerous threats pressing Elon to oust the first Amendment and restore free censorship to the platform, as well as some big corporations who threatened to pull or have pulled their advertising. (Good riddance!) now to save the platform (ahem, REVENUE!) Elon is complying with “some” of their demands.

Meanwhile, with the help of Matt Taibi, the Twitter records between the former Twitts and the Federales weekly censorship meetings over brunch are being released to the public. Also meanwhile, some cry baby... weaponized wokester reporters who have no clue what it’s like to live under the threat of death want to throw their baby food around because Big E suspended their accounts. And they think because they work for the lame stream woke news that they should get “special, yellow bus” treatment.

Yo, fucking doxxed that man and his fam, fam. What would happen if this went down in the streets? You wouldn’t be vertical long enough to cry about shit.

Did you cry about Julian Assange!? Or Edward Snowden!? And now, I get to live long enough to see Americans willingly forfeit the freedom that me and my forefathers fought for, bleed for and died for. Because some woke teacher or professor or both told you/they/them/it that fighting is wrong, capitalism bad, socialism good. You need to go live in Venezuela for a year, join an exchange student and live and learn in China. If you like, stay your ass there. But don’t come back here with that socialist bs. We have the post office and social security, that’s all the socialism this country needs. If you trust the government and what they tell you, some shit is definitely wrong with you homie. You need Jesus or some Narcan. Take a cold shower or watch Enemy of the State 3 times.

You want to know why Republicans, the real Republicans want Trump back? Because he wasn’t a part of the machine. You never give the government more power, more money or any respect. You roast their asses until they do wtf they are elected to do. Problem is, they no longer serve America, they serve corporate America and a foreign body that serves Big China. Wake up!

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elon just sucks man

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