Hey hey - when I read this in substack, I can't vote in the poll, but if I "view on publication," I can. Just letting you know in case others contact you, desparate to vote wtf. And seriously, wtf - who listens to things out loud on a PLANE? I'd give a *serious* case of side-eye.

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Thank u!!! Honestly don't know what to do about that but they're usually over on our instagram too!! xxxxxxx

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If I could vote “no wtf” a thousand times I would bc wtf

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A while ago I heard a loud bang outside my window at like 10 pm. I live practically on a building/construction site, so obviously I quickly went out to the living room to check. Turns out a van had driven into a container - yes, a gigantic metal box - moved the container, lost its tire (like completely. Not just ripped. The tire wasn't there.) Instead of stopping like a normal person, the driver decided to contine driving it with three wheels, meaning a bunch of sparks were flying from it. Then about 20 minutes later, the police show up and my mom goes out to talk with them. The van was owned by a company and was not marked as stolen in their system. They found the van but the driver had ran away. They can now call the company and figure out exactly who was driving the van. There's not really a purpose with this story, your carma story just reminded me.

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omg well if u listen to this weeks Culture Vulture LIV HAS A STORY THAT INVOLVED THE COPS TOO!!! This story is very fitting, and what is this community if not a simple place to share all our thoughts 💘💘💘

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The way I held my breath waiting for the results of that poll to be sure near everyone else voted "No wft"...

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i miss noodle :(

also, not to bug you but i didn't get the newsletter in my email today? might just be a glitch but just wondering - might also be cos i changed my substacks email lately!

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Let me know if it sorts itself out! Sometimes they sneak into 'promotions'? xxx

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dude my car literally had a flat tyre two weeks ago. Very similar story I was driving down the motorway going 100km/h too (in Sydney peak hour however), and I felt the steering wheel gripping which my mum has always said means pull over, so I begun looking to stop. However, this certain part of the motorway had no stopping zones or emergency lanes or anything, so I kept driving slower looking for an exit or literally anything. Then my tyre went, the doof doof doof started and I panicked and pulled over into THE BUS LANE, cause there was no where else. After a quick little cry, I begin to figure out which tyre it is, the front drivers side which was about a quarter of a metre from the cars driving 100km/h so not enough room to change it. So I had to wait for my mum to come and help me figure out what to do, again I do know how to change a tyre but this would’ve been the first real time and I really wasn’t in the mindset to do it, or with enough space to. But luckily in Sydney they have these tow trucks that come and take people off the motorway for situations just like this, so the guy pulls up, tows my car, takes me off the motorway and changes the tyre for me. That man is my hero.

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IT'S SO STRESSFUL RIGHT!!! And on the motorway???? With everyone staring and all the cars zipping past?? No thank you!

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not me wondering if karma is spelled differently in nz bc i missed the pun 😭

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HAHAHA or bc ur used to me making low stakes errors 💀

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so I’m late and catching up on all the newsletters at the moment but the exact same thing happened to my car back in May!! I was driving into Melbourne to see Dermot Kennedy and was already terrified to drive into the city cause that’s scary as hell. I was on the freeway, it was dark, and all of a sudden my car starts sHAKING. I smelt burning rubber and my car was that loud I genuinely thought a helicopter was flying right above me. I had to slow down from 100km to 40km on the freeway and find the first exit I could and roll my way to a car park where I called my parents and my dad saved the day by changing my tyre for me (now I know how to change one but at the time I was absolutely freaking out). the tyre was ripped to shreds and idk how my car kept driving straight with it but after a tyre change I managed to pick my friend up and make it into the city to see Dermot 🫶🏻🫶🏻

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