I had no idea about this, but this strikes me as another ‘trend’ that on the face of it is helping people to feel more connected and seen, but deep down makes you feel like there’s yet MORE ‘things’ we should be doing to improve/ change/ modify our lives. ‘Oh it’s on their to-do list, maybe it should be on mine too’. ‘Maybe I should be posting this content also to stay relevant online’.

Maybe that’s just my cynical view of the internet these days.

Also that’s not me saying that any of these creators intent to make people feel that way, it’s just a side effect of being online and a humans need to compare themselves (consciously or not) to others to ‘improve’.

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Nov 14, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

Follow along for a simple distressing breathing technique:


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The internet never stops to amaze me. I was not aware that sharing your to do lists is a thing apparently. I‘m curious if that’s typical for influencers or ordinary people too. Nevertheless, they should go outside and touch grass. Quite an odd thing to do

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At first, when I saw people posting themselves doing the mundane things in life that I do as well, I felt comforted. But then, my feelings started to change into: if I'm not posting my own mundane things, do they mean as much? I've struggled a lot with the idea of fame/online presence attached to some sort of meaning or purpose, and try to break out of that by attaching meanings to things simply because they are things, or by doing said things. Seems such a silly sentence to type, but: my to do list is just as important unposted than posted, and I've had to stay away from social media at times to help with that! Thanks for the chime:)

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One of the things I appreciated when I dabbled with existentialism was choice. All we have are our choices and our actions. As for sharing things on s'media - I don't share that much. Maybe because I didn't get into it until my teens and I'm not as mired in it? I also like my personal space without everybody else's thoughts clogging things up. I don't know, Non lo so. Much it's an interesting question...

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