Jul 21, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

The eating carrots makes you see in the dark one has an interesting history - it was propaganda from the British government in WW2. They'd invented radar and didn't want the Axis to realize this was how they could see where planes were at night, so they spread the myth that the pilots just ate lots of carrots 😂

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

luce oh my god the bathroom graffiti (if you include the ‘urgent news’) IS A HAIKU

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

My husband is 44 and only just discovered that you can, in fact, swim within an hour of eating. Life changing.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

As someone who lives in northern Scandinavia and has walked outside with wet hair in -25–30°C (-13– 22°F) multiple times as a kid; I have never gotten sick. What our teachers at school told us was that our hair could break if we weren’t careful, which has some truth in it 😂

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

I'm doing the Oppenheimer/Barbie double feature tomorrow and I'm so excited!! I'm a massive Cillian Murphy fan so I'm excited to see him showing everyone just how incredible of an actor he is in such a big role!! And of course, Barbie looks like so much fun! Very excited to see them both

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

A funny addition to todays „shit we believed as kids“ section, right now is actually a lioness on the loss in the forest south of Berlin in Germany


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Jul 20, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

Cracking your knuckles may not lead to arthritis, but several harvard studies have shown it does lead to reduced grip strength and can cause injury! *she says as she cracks ever knuckle on her hand*

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

okok listen razor blade in water slides is a real thing

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"... practical reason" has me dead (also the red teletubbie ??? never heard of that one but wow boy)

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So late to this newsy, Luce, but just wanted to put this out there.... one of your brothers snuck into the girls’ toilets, perhaps??

Also Christopher Nolan sucks at writing for women. What a waste of Florence and Emily.

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I feel like I still believe most of these. You’re legit telling me they’re not true????

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OK but some of those myths are definitely true : D

I refuse to let go of the beliefs I was indoctrinated with as a child!

There was one that maybe was only popular in Italy, I don't know, but it was that Billy Corgan from the Smashing Pumpkins was the kid from the TV series Small Wonder (here is the ACTUAL actor, for context: https://www.themoviedb.org/person/1212039-jerry-supiran)

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