ok but i would actually watch 'love language' lol can this pls happen

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I like "Absolutely!" "You bet!" "Sure thing!" or more formally, "My pleasure!" to avoid the whole you're welcome vs. no problem/worries debate.

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Not Six60 being called a reggae band lmaooo

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My favorite was the Auckland water company announcing they were gonna start piping sparkling water to people's homes as well as still 😂

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Omg Luce that is a hell of a lot of effort for a prank I'm so impressed! I always wanted to be a prank kid but could never think of anything good hahhaha

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I always say algoods when someone says thank you

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Will never recover from the highs and lows of that race!!🫣

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Re today's mundane poll - I just have it in my head that if I say "no worries" or "no problem", that means there WERE worries or problems?! Dumb, I know - but I think "you're welcome" is more straightforward. I did a thing for you, you have offered gratitude, I acknowledge your gratitude. (Or maybe I'm just REALLY old! 😊😂)

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