The subtitle alone deserves a ❤️.

Can Mary Oliver be a part of every news update for the rest of history? I would appreciate it.

Your poll assumes we wear pyjamas. Who, besides kids and old people, wears pyjamas?

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the shooter in Tennessee was actually a trans man. as a non binary person it's hard to reconcile that I understand the pain that person was going through, and also that I completely condemn the violence they resorted to. as much as gun violence and mental health are the priorities in this story, I can't help but wince when news sites misgender them. not because it excuses anything, but because it is part of a systemic problem that leads to our pain as a people.

btw, the overwhelming majority of shooters are white cis men, but I think this shooting should be taken as a real argument against the anti-trans legislation popping up at the moment, because if we took better care of people, we could prevent things like this from happening. this includes gun control, mental health care and gender affirming care.

so much love to the victims and their families. this should never have happened.

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I would definitely watch SYSCcession if that was a real show 😅

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I worry about doing things I think I have to do in life rather than doing things I want to do, and that will make me happy.

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Why in the world would you put your PJs under your pillow? …are you hiding them?

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But where are the 61% of these people putting their pyjamas?? If not under your pillow where do they go?

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Omg pjs under the pillow 🥺 the sweetest thing ever

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The most frustrating thing about the gun violence issue in america is that so many politicians are being funded by the NRA to purposely shut down any effort to introduce any kind of gun control at either state or federal level. Which shows that these people care more about money going into their pockets than the lives of the people they are supposed to represent, even children.

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Scared of failure. In anything I do; it's exhausting.

On a positive - absolutely loving the newsletter!

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Mention gun control on Linkedin and you get swamped by pro gun lobby. I had the headline 'Guns kill people' and everybody wanted to argue about the semantics of my sentence. "No...it's the people holding the guns that kills" FFS...thousands of views, hundreds of comments and very few supporting the outlaw of guns. There are far too many gun enthusiasts in the US, far too many vets who tell you its safe while their six year old discovers the unlocked cupboard. Just so effed up.

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