Nov 2, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

As someone who has lived and worked in multiple countries, I will tell you that it takes almost 2 years to really feel at home. The first 6 months you're trying to figure out how to get the same stuff from home/figuring out alternatives. Everything is new, takes conscious effort, and yes even UK to US has a bit of a language barrier. The next 6 months are all about getting into a functional routine. And then the second year you're really settling in. If you end up staying a shorter time (like I often did), then some things never get settled.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

As I was reading that email I could hear myself speak and feel, I’ve lived away from my homeland for 8 years now and it never gets easier. Especially as we’re now in our late 20s and early 30s and all the huge life events are happened. The pain of missing your friends big life achievements, all the holidays and watching your parents get older from afar.

Sending so much love to all migrants. The pain of never having one true home anymore is something no one can ever comprehend till they go through it ♥️

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

As someone who is about to embark on a move to New Zealand (eek) this ep, newsy and email hit all the points before I get there! Thank you!

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

THANK YOU! I can’t even begin to say how much this resonates. It’s so comforting to know that we are not alone in these feelings and it’s always worth the leap - we’re only a decision away from changing it all up again after all💓

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

Oof, moving cities/countries is so hard, and made harder because we are always so excited and feel like everything will be great once we finally get there. I moved to 3 new countries during my 20s, and while they were all hard (but fun in the end) moving to a non-English speaking country was by far the hardest for me. I very much relate to your comment Luce about how brave you have to be every day to go out and interact with the world. I sometimes ended up holed up in my house where I felt safe from doing something stupid, so I so admire how you are getting out and doing it Luce! Those supermarket interactions where you have no idea what they are asking you and you hold up the line will be funny in retrospect!

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by shit you should care about

Hope Lisbon is treating you well!

I moved from Portugal to London 15 years ago and have missed way too many milestones with my friends and family. It does get easier with time, but it still hurts when you can’t be there for key events, and especially lately with parents getting older and me being a single child..

But then I remind myself that I have a much better job and life than I would ever had staying home, and I’ve met an amazing man that I otherwise wouldn’t.. so yes, hard choices are hard, but they can also be very worthy.

Sending love!

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This honestly hits especially when you leave not because you have to but because you want to get out of your comfort zone . It’s a pot mix of emotions. Wishing you the best of luck in your move 💗

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Thank you so much for sharing this! I leave in a few days on a one-way flight to Mexico. The freedom is so alive yet so is the anxiety and fear at navigating a whole new part of the world. I’ve got this though!! ❤️

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Welcome to Lisbon! If you don't know Portuguese, you can speak in English without feeling guilt: most people know how to talk a little and we don't mind. But of course, we would appreciate if you would take the time to learn. I promise it is not that hard. Just take it easy 🙂 I never lived in another country, but I grew up in another city and when I came to Lisbon to college I felt out of place too. The first year was hard but I eventually found out the best of friends, and I can't express how grateful I am to have them. You will find your people too ❤️

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Reading this sitting at my gate ready to go on my first international trip all alone, obviously not as scary as moving somewhere else but it’s still very much a comfort read right now as it feels like everyone around me has people with them and I’m just here by myself. Thank you for the comfort, and I hope things start to feel a little more settled for you soon Luce xxx

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